17. Chaos in the family

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 The day Deren and Bulut returned to the office hand in hand was a joy for everyone. They were greeted with great applause while Cey Cey and Muzo blew up confetti and streamers. They wasted no opportunity to celebrate.

"Deren? Welcome." said Sanem hugging her. Deren's porcelain skin was slightly tanned.

Bulut, on the other hand, was much more tanned, but that was also by nature.

He was used to working in the fields under the blazing sun.

"You look great!" Sanem told her as she saw that growing tummy.

"Ah, thanks, I'm swelling up like an inflatable." she said massaging her belly.

"It's starting to show." said Leyla hugging her.

"Welcome." She then added.

"Thank you." she replied.

"Bulut? How are you?" hugged Can. "You look good." he added.

"Good, good." he replied.

At that moment, at a distance behind them, passed Metin who was talking on the phone. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the two newlyweds, and quickly slipped into his office, the one that had once been Aylin's.

The position of the furniture inside was such that from his desk he could easily enjoy an excellent view of the entire agency in front of him.

Ready to send a message, he did not expect to witness what was about to happen.

A young man came running into the agency. On his face he bore the marks of a fistfight.

Instinctively Metin hurried out of his office and approached the others.

"Brother! Brother!" this boy called, running towards the assembled crowd.

Everyone turned towards the boy's desperate voice.

Can snapped first.

Deren immediately recognised Burak. She immediately drew her husband's attention.

"Burak!" she exclaimed in amazement as soon as she saw him. "My God Burak what happened to you?" said Deren walking towards him.

When Bulut recognised his brother in that scarred face, he blinked.

"Burak! Burak!?" his brother joined him.

"Burak what happened, huh?" he said, looking in amazement at his face.

Burak leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He was exhausted. He was breathing hard.

Can approached Bulut.

Everyone else behind, they were shocked.

"It's Bulut's brother... I can't believe it." replied Cey cey bringing a hand to his mouth.

"My God what happened to him?!" exclaimed Deniz.

"Who did this to him?!" exclaimed Emre.

"Come, let's take him to the meeting room, Bulut." said Can approaching Burak. They both took him under their arms to support him.

Bulut kept asking. "What happened? Huh?"

Deren's legs were shaking.

Sanem quickly approached her as the others carried him away.

"Deren? Deren, come." said Sanem supporting her.

Deren brought a hand to her belly.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Sanem immediately.