35. Celebrations

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Once they were inseparably reunited, as happy and in love as on the first day, as they walked home hand in hand, Sanem laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" asked Can serenely.

"Mh, I was thinking that right now it's like time has stopped, I feel like I'm back to 11 years ago, when we were just at the beginning of our relationship. So happy and carefree..." he said.

"Ah, but we are and will be again, don't worry. Many surprises await you, you'll see!" exclaimed Can, kissing their entwined hands.

"Hmm..." she replied hesitantly.

"Aren't you happy?" he asked seeing her hesitancy.

"Well... you know, I mean, you know I love surprises." she replied cutely.

"Then how come you're not jumping for joy?" he asked her.

"Because surely something will happen that will prevent us from celebrating." replied Sanem confidently.

"But it's OK, that's it... I mean, I already got my present now after all." she replied mischievously.

"Ah, but if you do that... I'll eat you up with kisses." He replied, reciprocating that look.

"Anyway, I'm not giving up. There will be some nice surprises. I promise. Nothing and no one will be able to ruin this day!" he pointed out.

"Mh... we'll see." Sanem replied, not very convinced.

Back home, she received her first surprise. She celebrated with her whole family. Her parents had joined them together with Leyla, Emre, Ilker, as well as Aziz and Mihriban. As they arrived hand in hand, they exchanged a look of understanding. They had made peace and everything was proceeding as it should. The table outside was adorned with festoons and the table was laden with every delicacy, most of them her mother's. It was easy to recognise her hand.

"Best wishes daughter!" her father greeted her when he saw her.

At that moment Sanem thanked Can and the boat for changing her clothes. She was wearing a tracksuit. Same for her husband, they seemed to match. She only noticed at that moment.

She looked at Can suspecting that it was all planned. But she did not ask. She preferred to enjoy the moment.

"Best wishes my daughter! It's good that I gave birth to you. Look! We'll have a nice breakfast together," said her mother cheerfully.

"What is it called?" asked Mevkibe to Aziz.

"Brunch." she replied.

"Ah, yes, a brach." Repeated Mevkibe never been good with names in her life.

"Eh, whatever..." commented Sanem hopelessly upon hearing her pronunciation.

"Ah, mama but look how many delicacies are here!" she exclaimed after greeting her.

"See?" she asked.

"Wow, I'm really surprised. You've outdone yourself. Did you make everything or is there also something from Mihriban?" she asked.

"Some of it is hers." she confessed, hugging the mother-in-law who had approached her.

"Wow, really good, it looks like a shop! I swear!" exclaimed Sanem.

"Eh... indeed it does." her mother replied.

"Eh?! What do you mean?" asked Sanem. "What did I miss?" she asked looking around.

"Well, credit to your husband. I told you no? That I needed an idea for the association, didn't I?" she reminded her.

"Yes, I remember." she replied. But then suddenly Sanem remembered that she hadn't told Can about that at all, clouded by anger. She opened her eyes wide, realising.