Chapter 39 - Today is a very special day

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Bennett's POV

I didn't realize until now how tense I am with everything that Lilly told me earlier today. I mean, maybe tense is not the best word, I guess excited would be more accurate.

Partially, at least.

Alex broke up with Dylan and this is just amazing.

If it weren't for the rest of what she told me, this would seriously be the best day of my life. I seriously didn't see this coming and I've been thinking over and over again about why.

Why did she break up with him? Was it because she finally realized he's an asshole, was it because of what happened between us or was it something else?

Not knowing is driving me insane and I need to know, so the best I can do is talk to her. I know now that she was trying to tell me at rehearsal earlier today and I wish I insisted for her to tell me.

She brought up college, but I could tell it was an excuse not to talk about the real thing she wanted to talk about.

Maybe if she told me, I would have jumped on her and kissed the hell out of those lips right there. Hell, I know I wanted to do it even without knowing about the break up.

But, although all this is great, there's one thing I need to clarify before I talk to her.

I go home hoping for the first time that my brother would be there instead of on campus and to my surprise, he is lying on the couch, watching Netflix.

He's been home more lately and I wonder if it's because of Alex, but well, he wasn't around much when they were actually dating, so I don't see why he would stick around when they aren't together.

I walk closer to him and before I say anything, I study his face. He looks bored out of his mind.

"What did you say to Alex?" He looks at me, before his face is on the tv again. He takes the remote from the floor and pauses whatever he was watching.

"What do you mean? She told you I'm good looking? I didn't have to tell her that." I roll my eyes. If Alex broke up with him just because he's an ass, I'd be happy anyway.

"You told her I was planning with a friend to go after her." I say, going straight to the point, because I'm not playing games. "You said you heard me on the phone plotting to get into her pants. What is wrong with you? That never happened and you know it."

He sits down and looks at me with a smirk on his face. Well, regret is not on his list of feelings.

"A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do to keep the bugs away from his girl."

"Your girl? Interesting, because I heard you two broke up." It's my time to smirk.

"Who told you that? Oh, sorry to break to you bro, but that's not true. We're as solid as a rock." He narrows his eyes and I'm confused. I try to find signs that he's not serious. "You can stop dreaming, we're still together."

''You're lying.'' I say, sharply.

''Am I? See for yourself.'' He takes the phone from his pocket, types what I assume to be his password and hands it to me.

The bright screen is loud and clear. There are a few messages from Alex and that's definitely something you wouldn't send to someone you just broke up with.

Thanks for dinner, babe. I missed you this week!

I love you so much <3

Can't wait to see you on the weekend!!

What? Like, what the actual fuck?

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