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(Alex's POV)

The next morning, Tommy and I end up passing out in the bed until the next show because the acid kept me up all night long since the trip is so long. Tommy stayed up to make sure I had a good trip, and to get me anything I needed so Doc didn't see me since we're all supposed to be sober. I get ready in my usual crop top with whatever rock band on it, high-waisted leather pants, I chose bright red leather boots this time, and Tommy's jacket he gave me. It's been a long time since I wore it, but after last night, I feel a bit more confident in us. Tommy just throws on some tight pants and stays shirtless since he usually takes it off either before or during the show anyway. I smile up at him, and he pulls me close, giving me a loving kiss on the head. I get on my tip-toes and give him a light kiss on the cheek, and he smiles wildly.

"I missed your kisses so much." He says, still with a huge cheesy smile on his face. I giggle a little at him and just shake my head.

"I missed yours too, I'm glad we're getting back to a good place. You've really been showing me how much you care and I'm starting to get some trust back in you. Especially after last night, I really appreciate it because I know it can be really hard for you to open up." I express to Tommy, wrapping my arms around his waist, and he throws his arm around me.

"I should be saying that to you, you're one of the most stone cold people I know aside from your father. I know it was partly because of the LSD, but I needed to hear everything you needed to say. I wanted to, honestly I half expected you to scream at me, I almost feel like you should have. But now I know how you genuinely feel, and I'm happy you could get it off your chest." He says, slightly snickering throughout. I just smile and shake my head once more, snuggling into him. We release each other after a moment, and begin to head downstairs to head to the venue.


The show is in full swing and I'm in the front row, headbanging and giving my boys all the support in the world. I'm so proud of how far they've come, especially getting sober because I know that was one of the hardest things in the world for them to do. It's getting to the end of the show and they're about to play Home Sweet Home, the song they always play last, when Vince hands Tommy the mic and he gets up to the front of the stage. I look at him confused, because they didn't tell me they were doing anything different and they always inform me if they're going to change the show, being that I've been working hand in hand with Doc.

"Hey everybody, this is kinda weird for me because I'm always in the back rocking on my drums, I never really talk to the crowd, so how y'all crazy motherfuckers doing tonight?!" He yells excitedly and the crowd roars with a bunch of girls screaming things like 'I love you Tommy!' and 'Please marry me Tommy!'. He just laughs at them and continues on. "Well, the reason I'm up here right now is because I have something very important to say, something I want everyone to know. Alex, get up here for this please!" He announces, looking at me and holding his hand out to pull me on stage. I grab on, letting him hoist me up but still looking at him extremely confused. He leans the mic towards me, telling me to say hey to the fans.

"Uh, hi guys. I have no idea what is going on right now." I wave at them, and the crowd goes wild once more, making me feel great about myself honestly. Tommy pulls the mic away from me, and begins to speak again.

"So as most of you know, Alex and I used to date, until I royally fucked it all up. I broke her trust, and I broke her heart, which was the worst thing I've ever done. Now I know all of you out there are confused as hell right now why I'm telling you all this, and honestly I just wanted to put it all out there. Now we have been working on getting back together and rebuilding that trust I broke. So I want everyone to know, I love this woman more than anything in the whole world. She means more to me than anyone ever has, she's so smart, so kind and genuine, hilarious and sexy as hell. She's held me down through everything, even when she didn't have to." He talks to the crowd and me, making me blush and them throwing out a bunch of 'awwwes' here and there. He walks over to me and grabs my hand with his free one, and looks me straight in the eyes with his huge goofball smile which makes my heart race.

"Alex, I know I'm not perfect. I know I've made too many mistakes and you've forgiven me for all of them. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I cannot stand to lose you ever again. So if you'll have me, here in front of everyone so the whole entire world knows, will you please be my girlfriend again?" He asks me in the most loving and genuine way I've ever experienced. Tears well in my eyes and I shake my head yes, jumping into his arms as he spins us in circles. The crowd loses their shit, screaming happily, louder than I've ever heard them before. Vince takes the mic back and Tommy walks us back to the drums before he puts me down. They start up playing Home Sweet Home, and Tommy stares at me and lip syncs the song the whole time they play, making me smile wider than I have in a very long time. They finish and Vince tells everyone goodnight, and we all run off the stage, Tommy and I hand in hand with our arms up. Once we get backstage, I jump into his arms once more and the rest of the band group hugs around us for a minute. They all back up and Tommy puts me down, and I hug him tightly again for just a moment.

"Congratulations you guys, I knew you'd end up back together, just don't be a fucking moron this time Tommy." Nikki says to us and slapping Tommy on the back, making him roll his eyes and smile.

"For real, you can't fuck up and lose someone as hot as Alex again or I'll be going after her." Vince raises his eyebrows at me, smirking, and I smack him in the back of the head and laugh.

"Don't fuck up drummer, you're lucky you lived the first time. Fuck up again and you'll really be a deadman." My dad says harshly, but I just rub him on the shoulder, letting him know it's okay, and he relaxes a bit. Tommy holds his hands up in surender and I laugh at him. The band departs from us, and we step out back to smoke together.

"That was really sweet Tommy, thank you." I say quietly, with a light smile on my face.

"You're welcome beautiful. I wanted the whole world to know how crazy I am about you, and to own up to my bullshit. I promise you, I'll never ever hurt you like that again. I pinky promise." He says seriously, sticking out his pinky. I giggle, and lock his pinky with mine, and pull him down into a passionate kiss. We part lips after a few seconds and both sigh happily.

"God I missed those lips." He says, pulling me back in quickly for a much longer kiss and I happily oblige.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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