Hell No

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(Alex's POV)

"So Alex, how was the sex last night? Tommy any good?" Vince asks me smirking, sitting across from me and Tommy on the bus. I see my dad cringe at the question.

"Better then you'll ever be." I state, not even looking at him while I flip through a magazine. Nikki high-fives me and Vince scoffs.

"Well babydoll, I guess you'll have to sleep with me to be able to compare." He smirks and I see Tommy shoot him a death glare.

"Sorry Vince, I'd rather my sex last longer than 3 minutes." I shrug still not looking at him, earning another high-five from Nikki. I see Vince cross his arms annoyed out of the corner of my eye and smirk to myself. We continue chatting for awhile until I end up falling asleep in Tommy's lap. I wake up a few hours later to a television playing in the background and a hotel room ceiling. I turn to my left to see Tommy and cuddle into him, leaving a kiss on his collarbone.

"How did you sleep babygirl?" Tommy asks, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Really well actually, I didn't even feel you bring me up here." I yawn, cuddling into him more. He wraps his arm around me and I smile to myself. I enjoy laying there for a few minutes before I decide to get up and take a shower. I get undressed and open the shower curtain before I let out a huge scream. Tommy rushes in with a panicked look on his face.

"Baby what's wrong?" Tommy half-yells and I sprint out of the bathroom.

"That's the biggest fucking spider I've ever seen!" I scream and hear the hotel door whip open. My dad, Nikki, and Vince all run around the corner.

"What happened?" Nikki looks all around and I point to the bathroom. They go to look in there before Vince runs back out, Nikki and my dad still at the doorway.

"Okay, fuck that. Hell no. I'm gone. Goodbye." Vince says quickly before exiting the room.

"Tommy do something!" I yell and he laughs. I see him grab a shoe before walking back into the bathroom. I hear a few loud thud and then the flush of the toilet. Tommy walks out and escorts me to the bathroom.

"No more scary spider. Now you can shower in peace." Tommy chuckles and I lightly smack his chest. 

"It isn't funny! I could've died!" I whine and Tommy laughs louder.

"I'm sure you would've. Now hop in and I'll join you in a minute." Tommy pushes me to the shower before walking out.

"I didn't wanna hear that." I hear my dad huff and then the hotel room door closing. I turn on the shower and drop my towel to the ground before entering. I feel the hot water stream down my back and my hair gets soaked. I let the hot water rush down the front my body, and then Tommy joins me, putting his hands on my waist. I turn around the face him, a wide smile on his face.

"What are you so giddy about?" I giggle and he looks me in the eyes deeply.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Tommy leans down, trailing light kisses on my shoulder.

"Yes indeed you have, about 200 times a day if I remember correctly?" I say sarcastically and he just chuckles.

"Well you are, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And your personality is amazing, everyday you never fail to amaze me. I always have the most fun with you and our adventures." Tommy says sweetly causing my face to go red.

"I love you Tommy Lee, forever." I whisper, looking into his eyes.

"I love you Alexandrea Mars, always." Tommy says, making my heart flutter.

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