Fuck You, Man

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(Alex's POV)

About two weeks have gone by of the boys practicing, writing new songs, and dealing with Vince's dumb bitch girl friend. We decided to take a day off, and go swimming in the pool at my dad's house. Tommy and I have already gotten very close, we're basically best friends, and we hang out everyday outside of band practice. Of course, my dad didn't like that very much, but it isn't what he thinks it is. While all of the guys are already outside, I'm still in my room trying to decide what bathing suit to wear. I finally decide on a maroon top that has a V in the middle. My bottoms are black and high-waisted, and accentuate my curves very nicely. I throw on my glasses, put my long, dark brown hair up in a messy bun, and grab beers from the fridge for the five of us.

"Man thank god Vince's girl didn't want to come. I don't think I could stand another minute of seeing her shove her tongue down his throat." I hear Nikki say to Tommy as I walk outside. I smile over at him when he see's me, and he shoots me a huge smile back. I walk around and give everyone their beers.

"Hey babydoll, you should wear clothes like that more often." Vince says, staring me up and down. I just roll my eyes and walk away from him. I walk over to Tommy, and he pulls me into his lap as I hand his beer to him.

"What's up babe? Took ya long enough to get ready." He says laughing at me. I just smile at him and shrug my shoulders. I crack open my bottle and take a long swig, adjusting myself on Tommy's lap. I look over at my dad, needless to say, he was not happy that I was sitting on Tommy's lap. We all just sit around and chat for a little while, until I see Tommy give Nikki an evil smirk.

"Uh Tom, what was that look for?" I ask, completely confused on why he would look like that. I just hear him laugh, and then all of a sudden, I'm being lifted up by Tommy bridal style. I know exactly what's about to happen.

"Tommy, do not throw me in this pool. I swear to god!" I yell and laugh as he walks towards the water. He just continues to laugh.

"Tommy Lee don't you dare! Tommy put me..." I was cut off by being thrown into the warm water, feeling Tommy jump in right after me. I come up and gasp for air, then proceed to splash him in the face once he comes up, laughing at him.

"That's what you get Tom, I told you not to." I say with a huge smile.

"Oh so you want to play that game? Alright fine." He says with a laugh, and then he splashes me back. I duck under water and come back up, only to be splashed in the face. At this point everyone is chuckling at us acting like children. I splash him once more, but like me, he disappears under the water. All of a sudden I feel Tommy between my legs, and I'm being hoisted in the air on his shoulders. I scream while laughing and both of us start giggling like crazy.

"Nikki, get in here, let's have a chicken fight!" Vince yells to Nikki. He just chuckles, and jumps into the water, lifting Vince on his shoulders.

"Dad will you pretty please be the referee?" I say with a pouting lip and my famous puppy dog eyes. He just chuckles at me.

"Of course angel, you know I can't say no to that face." I smile widely as he walks to the edge of the pool. "Alright, both of you get on opposite sides of the pool, when I say go, have at it. And Vince, don't even think about touching my daughters chest" He continues. Vince just smirks and rolls his eyes. Tommy takes me and him to the left side of the pool, while Nikki takes himself and Vince to the other. "Alright, 1...2...3......GO!" He yells. Instantly, Tommy and Nikki both move forwards bringing me and Vince in front of each other. All of us are laughing and having a good time. I grab Vince by the shoulders, trying to push him to the left and make Nikki lose his balance. Vince grabs my waist and starts tickling the hell out of me, making it hard for me keep my grip on him.

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