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(Alex's POV)

The tour continued going perfectly. The fans loved the boys, and they were having the times of their lives every single night. Of course they loved the groupies, except really Tommy, there was only a few girls I had seen him with, still sending a weird feeling through me every time. However I chose to ignore it. I guess he just wants something real. Surprisingly, me and Vince had began to get really close. He stopped being such a dick, stopped trying to get with me, and actually started seeing me as a person.

"Oh Alexxxx" Vince sang out, causing me to roll my eyes and look at him, knowing he's probably just going to show me some dumb shit. "Look at what I got" He continued singing out. My eyes go wide as I realize he has my panties, but not just any panties, my 'sexy' panties. They're a black lace thong, four straps for the waistband, and have gold letters spelling the words 'PINK' across the front.

"Vincent Neil you put those back right now!" I scream, bolting up and running over to him. He just laughed, holding them up out of my reach. I tried jumping, but he just jumped with me to get them away from me. Luckily all the other guys are asleep, and they better stay that way until I get these back.

"I dunno babydoll, these are pretty damn hot. Who are you saving them for, huh?" He asked suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. I just huff, and stop jumping for them while crossing my arms. He holds them in front of himself and begins to laugh even harder.

"Vince come on, this isn't funny. How did you even find those?" I said, annoyed.

"Well I wanted to snoop, see a little insight of the life of Alex Mars. They were right in the top of your suitcase anyways, not well hidden." He smirks at me. I just sigh at him, rubbing my face with my hands. I hear the door open, and whip around, my face instantly going beet red. All of the boys walk out with looks of confusion.

"Alex, what's going on? Why are you red? And what's all the yelling about?" Nikki yawned, rubbing his eyes and plopping down on the couch, as well as the rest of the boys.

"I found Alex's sexy panties!" Vince screams, holding them above his head. I turn around and punch him in the shoulder, causing him to flinch. Nikki busts out laugh, dad looks very unimpressed, and Tommy's face turns just as red as yours.

"Vince I told you to stop! I don't think my damn dad wants to see my panties, as well as my best friend and basically brother!" I yell at him, jumping for them once again. I finally grab them and shove them in my pocket, trying my best to cover my face as well.

"Vince, I should beat your ass just for touching my daughters underwear." My dad sighs, arms crossed and glaring at Vince. Vince just throws his hands up smirking, and walks backwards into a seat. I just huff loudly, and walk into the back to put them away, in a much better hiding spot. I sit there for a minute, trying to get the red in my face to come down, and then walk back out to see Nikki teasing a red-faced Tommy. I sit down in Tommy's lap, and he pulls me close to him, so I know he's feeling uncomfortable.

"Nikki, what are you teasing my poor Tommy about?" I ask him, a smirk slapped right on his face.

"About how little T-Bone here would love to see you in those strapy little panties." Nikki laughs at himself, causing Tommy to bury his face into your side. You rub his hair with your hand, shooting a death glare at Nikki.

"Nik you leave him alone. How many times do I have to explain to all of you that we're best friends? Do I need to spell it out? B-E-S-T F-R-I-E-N-D-S! And now the poor things face is redder than a fire truck." I angrily explain, I get very protective over Tommy because the boys love to pick on him. Tommy finally lifts his head back up with a smile on his face, loving how much he means to me.

"Whatever Alex, when you and Tommy get married, I'm gonna say I told you so." Nikki leans back, smirking once more. I just sigh, continuing to play with Tommy's hair.

- - -

We were finally at the hotel for the next show, and none of us were tired. Doc and Tom both met us there, and after getting us settled went to their own rooms. We sat in Tommy's room, all playing truth or dare, minus my dad who wanted nothing to do with it.

"Alex, truth or dare?" Vince asks, smirking at me. I don't trust any of them, they're going to ask me something stupid about Tommy.

"Dare I guess." I sigh, taking a swig of the Jack in my hand. An evil smirk spread across Vince's face and he whispers to Nikki, causing the same smirk on his face. I just put my face in my hand, preparing for the worst.

"Okay, I dare you to strip down to your panties and bra, and run around the hallways of the hotel." Vince laughs maniacally. I instantly freeze up, and Tommy notices, grabbing my hand. He knows how insecure about myself I am, so stuff like this makes me want to puke. I start chugging my Jack until I couldn't take it anymore.

"I-I uhm, well I can't. I have a uh, messed up knee?" I explained, more questioning myself than telling them. Both Nikki and Vince laughed once more, both egging me on to do it. I start fidgeting nervously, until Tommy stands up and strips down.

"Come on babe. I'll do it with you!" Tommy happily says. I smile at his kindness and stand up, turning around and begin to strip. I pull my pants off and my shirt, then turn around to look at the boys. Both of their mouth hung agape.

"Damn Alex, I didn't know you had an ass like that! Or tits! How do you hide it so well?" Vince yells, a huge smile in his face. I scoff at him, and turn to Tommy, his face twisted in anger.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that, she isn't a groupie man!" Tommy scoffs as well, grabbing my hand. I give him a small smile and Vince surrenders, and we turn around to walk out the door.

"Wait!" I scream, before running to get my bottle of Jack. I stand back by Tommy's side and he opens the door. He steps out first and then I do. We just look at each other, and then bust into laughter and begin to run down the hall. We're screaming, banging on doors, breaking light fixtures. I was just laughing like a mad man and having the time of my life. Tommy grabbed my hand as we ran, until we ran into a couple walking down the hallway, splitting us apart. They looked at us, wide eyed and confused before running towards their room. I chucked my now empty bottle of Jack towards the direction they were and kept going crazy. As I broke another light fixture, I heard more footsteps behind us. Tommy turned his head to look at the noise.

"Oh fuck man, it's the cops!" Tommy yelled loudly, chuckling like crazy. I begin to laugh as well and we pick up the pace. We ran past our room, Vince and Nikki at the door, also laughing loudly. I screamed 'fuck you guys' while laughing, and they turned to see the police men. They started laughing so hard they fell on the ground holding their stomachs. We turned the corner, long enough for us to lose the cops and duck into a closet. Tommy held his finger to my lips, both of us with goofy smiles on our faces. We heard the cops run by, waited a second, then busted out laughing once more.

"That was the fucking best! Why have I never done that before?" I exclaimed excitedly, trying to catch my breath.

"Man I dunno, but that was so fucking awesome. You were awesome!" Tommy said happily. I just now realized how close me and Tommy we're together, the closet was so tight. Our bodies were pushed against each other, causing my face to burn red. Thank god the lights were off. I think Tommy realized it as well, as we both stopped laughing and he looked down at me. I could only slightly see his eyes, and the outline of his body, but I felt his eyes burning into mine. My lips parted, and suddenly my heart began racing. Tommy laced his fingers with mine, before putting his forehead to mine. I just barely saw a smile creep onto his face, causing the same to happen to me. He very slowly started leaning his face into mine before the door whipped open with an angry Doc on the other side. The suddenness caused us to jump as far apart from each other as we could.

"What did you idiots do now? Really Alex? You too?" Doc seethed, causing me and Tommy to laugh loudly. He threw his arm over my shoulder, dragging me out of the closet, walking us back to the room all of the guys were in.

Soooooo new chapter is up!! I really like this one and I'm really happy about the Tommy/Alex moment, what did y'all think? I hope you're enjoying the story and send any suggestions my way! Byeeeee!

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