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(Alex's POV)

After the incident with me, apparently Nikki overdosed as well. Completely died but was brought back to life. The EMT's said that I hadn't died, but my body went into shock and couldn't handle it. We all decided that maybe it was time to go to rehab. I was honestly glad to have the time away from real life and not having to talk to my dad or anyone in the band, but trust me, this place was boring. After we all got out, the boys got straight to recording and I stayed at my dad's working non-stop with Doc about planning out the tour that was about to blow up. Tommy had been trying to talk to me still but I try my best to avoid him, I can't deal with the pain right now. I hear the front door open and I walk around in my baggy t-shirt and underwear to see who it is. I light a joint as I walk around the corner and see it's Doc.

"Hey man." I wave and he side-eyes me.

"Why aren't you wearing any clothes? Also I thought you were 'done with drugs'." He groans.

"Well one, I'm comfortable. Two, weed isn't a drug, it's a plant." I wink and start to walk towards the couch, Doc following me. I sit down and pull out my binder, handing it to him.

"What's this?" He questions and I motion for him to open it. He does and still looks a bit confused.

"They're designs, album covers and stuff. Wanted to see if you liked them?" I ask as I puff my joint.

"Well they're great, but that's not the reason I came over here." He sighs and I tilt my head in confusion.

"What's up then?" I cross my legs, leaning back on the couch.

"Tommy's parents want to talk to you, so I brought them here." He says quietly and I choke on the smoke in my lungs.

"Why? Why would you do that? I haven't talk to Tommy in almost a year now." I say, getting slightly angry, but also kinda happy because I miss his parents.

"They just want to talk to you and see how you're doing. They heard about the overdose." He says calmly, trying not to make me anymore angry. I just nod and he gets up to bring them inside. I hear the door close and I quickly light a blunt I had rolled from earlier to try to calm my nerves. I hear the door re-open and close and I face towards the door, hitting my blunt. I see Tommy's parents and his mom runs over and hugs me. I hug her back tightly and tears prick my eyes a little bit. She pulls away and puts her hand on my face smiling.

"How are you dear? How are you feeling?" She asks quietly. I grab her hand off of my face and hold it in my own.

"I'm doing a lot better now that I'm clean. It was a really rough time for me." I give her a half smile and she pulls me in once more. His father walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. I grab it with my hand and look up at him.

"It's good to see you doing well kiddo." He grins. We all just sit around and have causal conversation, making me really happy because I love them. V is like the mother the I never had and David is just a really cool dude.

"So Alex, we've heard all about it from Tommy, but we want to hear what happened between you two? If that's okay?" V asks sweetly and I inhale sharply.

"Uh, yeah, t-that's fine I guess." I breathe out and V nods.

"After we got back from your house, Tommy was in the shower and I saw something on MTV about him possibly hooking up with a porn star. I ran to the store and saw all kinds of magazines with the same thing on the front. He admitted it once I threw the magazine at him and I left, I haven't spoken to him since. He claims he was drunk and it didn't mean anything to him, but he still broke my heart...and the worst part is, I'm still in love with him. It's so fucked up." I explain the best I can, V and David trying their best to follow along with every word as I ramble.

"Alex, darling, it isn't. You think that David and I's relationship was easy at first? I couldn't even speak English. I'll let you in on a little secret, David cheated on me too, and it broke my heart too, but we worked through it, and he never did it again. You have to realize who's worth fighting for and who's not." V says as she hugs David happily.

"But how am I supposed to know if he's going to do it again?" I ask quietly, looking down at my hands. V puts her hand under my chin and lifts my face to look at her.

"Like I said, decide who's worth fighting for." She pats my cheek and begins to stand up. I rise with her and pull both her and David into a group hug. Doc escorts them outside and I flop down on the couch as I hear the engine of the car fire and pull away.


I was laying in my bed, when I hear the front door open and close. Footsteps walk up the stairs and then knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I yell and my dad pushes open the door.

"Hey angel, there's someone here to see you." He half smiles and walks out of the door frame. I see a tall lanky figure and I instantly know it's Tommy.

"Hi." He says quietly and I nod.


"How have you been doing?" He asks awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm fine, what about you?" I mumble.

"I'm good, I-I'm good, yeah." He sighs and walks closer to me. I pause for a moment before I lightly pat on the bed, telling him to sit down. He does and looks at me in the face.

"You look good Tommy, really." I whisper, playing with my hands.

"Thank you, you do too...last time I saw you wasn't, wasn't how I wanted to see you." He says quietly and I nod.

"I know, and I'm sorry. For worrying all of you. But I'm okay now." I squeeze his hand in reassurance. I try to pull my hand away but I feel him grab it and pull it back towards him.

"Listen, I know I fucked up big time. I know I fucked up to the point where you don't even trust me anymore, and it breaks my heart. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake that I can never take back. But please Alex, I need you in my life. You're the only good thing to ever happen to me and I can't lose you forever." Tommy looks deep in my eyes, and I can see tears begin to form.

"T I don't know, you broke my heart. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. I thought you of all people would never, ever hurt me, but you did. You hurt me so bad and I don't know how to forgive you." I pull my hand away from him.

"I'll do anything you ask, please Alex. I'll get on my knees and beg, I'll write you love letter everyday. I'll do anything I can just to have you be mine again Alex, please." Tommy begs, grabbing my hand once more. I look him in the eyes once more and see that tears have fallen down and it hurts my heart.

"We can try and fix things, but it's not going to be the same as it used to be, at least not for awhile. And Tommy Lee I swear to god, if you fuck up again, we're over, for good. I can't take the same heartbreak over and over again. And also, I'm not saying no drugs, but nothing heavy, I can stand seeing you all stung out like that." I say sternly and he nods slowly, a smile creeping on his face.

"Yes ma'am, can I please give you a hug?" Tommy whisper-asks and I giggle slightly before nodding my head. He pulls me into the tightest bear-hug he can and I wrap my arms around him too, missing every little thing about him.

Okay y'all new updateeee!! Yes they are back together and I know it's soon but my only other idea was shitty and I knew it just wouldn't fit for this book. But I hope you enjoy.

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