I Don't Know, Man

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(Alex's POV)

After a few months of the guys playing different gigs, writing new songs, and making all kinds of new and crazy costumes, the band has gotten really popular. Currently, there's a party going on at Nikki's. People are all over the place either doing drugs, getting so drunk they can't even comprehend their own brains, or having sex in the middle of the party. I stay off to the side, parties aren't really my thing, but I guess that's what you have to deal with when your dad and best friend are in a rock band. The only thing that I enjoy from this, is free alcohol and free weed. Being in the kitchen is probably the safest bet at this point because, well instead of people coming in, I just hand them their booze and they're on their way. I begin to break down the bud Tommy had given me and put it into my grinder. I twist is right and left multiple times until there's no more resistance, so I know it's all grinded. I dump it out into the container, and then begin to pack the bowl full of the green, and then put it into the hole of the bong. I put my mouth to the top, and light the bowl, inhaling until the entire bowl is ash. I pull the bowl out, breathing in the smoke, letting it overtake my lungs, holding it as long as I can. I finally breath out, the scent filling the kitchen and my nose. I take a long drink of my beer, and repeat this process a few more times before I decide it's enough. I put my lighter and bud into my pockets, and hide the bong under the sink so nobody breaks it.

"How fucked up are you trying to be, babydoll?" A drunken Vince slurs walking into the kitchen. I just look at him, eyes almost bloodshot red, however he can't see that because I have my glasses on. "I just saw you pull that at least 6 times, you can really handle that shit." He says, leaning against the doorframe with a beer in his hand.

"Well, I'd rather deal with all of this fucked up than sober. Parties aren't my thing in case you couldn't tell. All the sweaty bodies, sex, drunk idiots breaking things? No thanks. I'd rather stay in here and enjoy my weed before someone tries to come and bum some off of me. Besides, I'm surprised you're not in the bathroom fucking some chick right now." I say, keeping a stone face the whole time. I press the cold beer to my lips again, tipping it back emptying the bottle, trying to wet my desert dry mouth. Vince just smirks at me and moves closer, putting his hand on my waist.

"Well babydoll, what do you think I'm trying to do right now?" He tells me, the smell of beer rolling out of his mouth. I just sigh and push him off of me, sometimes Vince's flirting is fine, but when he does this I really just want to slap him.

"Get lost Neil, you know I wouldn't sleep with you in a trillion years." I sigh, crossing my arms, annoyed that he's even insinuating that I would. He just lets out a laugh and put his hands up backing away.

"Alright, fine. But you know where to find me if you change your mind." He slurs once more, winking at me. I just roll my eyes and lean forward on the counter, watching the chaos of the party. I should've known Vince would pull something like that when I decided on this outfit. It's a red lace crop top with spaghetti straps, the same high waisted leather pants I always wear, black strappy heels, and this time, Tommy's favorite leather jacket. He gave it to me as a gift because I would always steal it from him whenever her wore it. I smile to myself thinking back on all of the times I would take it and run away, him chasing me and grabbing me from behind, trying to get it back. I would hold it just out of his reach until he gave up and let me wear it.

"Hey Alex, what are thinking about so hard?" Nikki says, walking into the kitchen to grab a few beers. "Thinking about how hot Tommy looks right now?" He continues, smirking because he knows it aggravates me. I just side eye him, huffing.

"Really Nikki? You're still on this? We're just best friends man, ask him. He'll tell you that himself." I say, feeling somewhat sad, but I really don't understand why. 

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