Rock N Roll

808 13 15

(Alex's POV)

"KISS tickets!" Tommy yells and my eyes go wide. I tackle him in a hug kissing his cheek over and over, him laughing. We sit back up and I take the tickets from him to get a better look.

"Backstage passes? Tommy Lee will you marry me?" I look at him with the biggest smile on my face.

"Of course I'll marry you, it would be my honor." Tommy chuckles and pulls me into him.

"When is it?" I ask, still reading over the tickets. I see it's front row and just roll my eyes with a grin. My best friend is too good to me.

"Tomorrow night. I hope you're ready for it. I got really lucky that they're playing in the same city as us. I had to convince Doc to let us stay here an extra day before leaving. I guess we'll just have to book it tomorrow." He snorts. I just continue to smile at him, falling into a deep gaze with him. We just stay there for a little while before I look up in the sky, soaking in the night air. I hear him sigh next to me, and we lay back down closing our eyes, just enjoying each others presence.


I wake up and fresh air fills my lungs. I open my eyes and see the sky, then look to Tommy to the left of me. He's still sleeping peacefully. I decide not to wake him up and just admire the clouds above. I hear shifting next to me and turn back to Tommy. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me, a sleepy smile on his face.

"Well good morning sunshine." I giggle, seeing grass in his hair.

"Good morning babe, how did you sleep?" He asks groggily. I tell him well, until I stand up and fell the soreness roar through my body. I stretch, hearing multiple pops and cracks in my body. Tommy does the same, groaning out.

"I bet your dad has a police task force out looking for you right now." Tommy looks at me, cracking his knuckles. I just smirk at him until I see a cop car pull up the hill.

"Oh my god." I sigh, putting my head down. Tommy busts out laughing as the police man walks over to us. He looks at me up and down before pulling a picture out of his pocket to compare.

"Are you Alexandrea Mars?" He sternly says, glaring at Tommy. I nod unsure of how to react. "Your father reported you missing, says you never came home last night. Everything okay here?" The policeman continues eyeing Tommy.

"Yes sir we're just fine, we were up here last night for a picnic and fell asleep. I'll head home right now, my bike is just back there." I point to it. He nods, telling me to have a good day and leaves.

"Holy shit, I think that's the funniest thing I've ever seen." Tommy continues laughing, holding his stomach hunched over. I push him so he falls on his ass and grab my keys, starting up my bike.

"I need to get home now before my dad has a stroke. I'll see you back at the bus?" I inquire, and he just shakes his head, beginning to clean up. I head down the hill, taking the quickest route. I get back and my dad runs outside, a stern look on his face with his arms crossed. Nikki and Vince are peeking out from the window, waiting for me to get yelled at.

"Alexandrea, where were you? I was worried sick, I thought you mom had kidnapped you! Why didn't you come home or at least call me, I mean..." My dad ranted before he was cut off.

"I bet she was with Tommy in a hotel room!" Vince sticks his tongue out and I glare at him.

"No, we were at the spot from last night with the picnic and accidentally fell asleep. I would've called if I knew I was going to stay out. I'm sorry." I explain, trying my best to get him to calm down.

"Okay, it's alright angel, just don't do it again." My dad hug me and Vince's jaw drops.

"Really, that's it? No fighting? No 'you're grounded' and 'you can't make me' crap? What a waste." Vince crosses his arms annoyed. My dad turns around giving him a death glare, and Nikki pulls him away from the window. We both walk inside, and I immediately head for the shower to get the smell of dirt off of me. After I get out of the shower, I realize my suitcase is missing and automatically know who it is.

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