Can't Help It

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(Alex's POV)

It's the first official day that Tommy and I are dating and I couldn't be more happy. We finally arrived in the next state and got checked into the hotel. Of course, Tommy insisted on me staying in his room. He carried our bags up there and I sat on the bed, watching him put the bags down next to the dresser. I sprawl out on the bed, yawning and I feel Tommy crawl up next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I face towards him and nuzzle into his neck before leaving a kiss on his collarbone.

"How in the world did I end up so lucky to be able to end up with you?" I ask Tommy and I see his face go red.

"I could ask the same thing. I'm so glad I finally told you how I felt. I wanted to for so long but I had no clue how you felt. I didn't want to ruin our friendship." He says and I give him a soft smile.

"Well, now our friendship has blossomed into something more beautiful." I whisper and he kisses me passionately. He begins to hover over me as it begins to get more heated, and I put my hands around the back of his neck. I feel Tommy put one of his hands on my cheek and I pull him closer to deepen the kiss. All of a sudden the door whips open.

"T-Bone, Alex, wanna go get some- oh shit, day one and they're already going at it!" Vince exclaims and I throw a pillow at him. 

"No we aren't going at it. We were having a moment which you morons seem to keep ruining." I sigh and Tommy lays next to me. I hear a camera click and I roll my eyes.

"Nikki if I hear that camera click one more time I'm going to throw it off a balcony." Tommy groans and I see Nikki pop out from behind Vince with a smug look on his face.

"You'll thank me one day." Nikki says simply.

"Now, do you love birds want to come to dinner or not?" Vince asks and I nod, getting out of the bed. Tommy does the same before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and we walk out with them. We meet my dad in the hotel plaza before walking onto the street. We walk for about 15 minutes before we come across a family diner. We all go inside and get a booth, and I see the jukebox, instantly getting excited. Tommy looks at me confused and I point to it.

"I'll give you some quarters after we eat, deal?" Tommy chuckles and I smile widely, nodding my head. We all order, Vince of course deciding it was his duty to flirt with the waitress who was probably around my age. We all eat rather quickly, of course because we were starving from being on the bus all day. A few girls walk over to the table, all very happy and dressed a little too slutty. I see one eyeing Tommy and instantly, I scoot further into him.

"Aren't you guys Motley Crue? We love your music!" One of the girls with blonde hair says and the others nod along.

"Why yes we are, and you are?" Vince says with a smirk, obviously trying to take one back to the hotel tonight.

"Well, I'm Brooke, and this is Olivia, and Madison." The girl with brown hair that I now know as Brooke says.

"Well it is very nice to meet you ladies." Nikki says, offering his hand to them. Brooke and Olivia accept, but Madison, a girl with dirty blonde hair, keeps eyeing Tommy.

"So, are any of you boys doing anything tonight?" Madison asks suggestively and I roll my eyes.

"Well, you can take that up with the other boys. I've got my girl right here." Tommy says proudly, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I feel my face heat up and I look at Madison with a smirk, seeing her glaring at me already. Olivia and Brooke are chatting it up with the rest of the band, while Madison keeps trying to talk to Tommy.

"So Tommy, what hotel are you staying in? Mind if I come check it out tonight?" She winks at him and I feel my blood begin to boil, but I try my best to stay calm.

"Listen, you seem like a nice girl and all, but I've already told you I have my girl right here. Please respect that." Tommy says, trying to put on a nice face but he was getting agitated quickly.

"You'd rather have some goth bitch over me? I mean look at her." Madison scoffs pointing towards me.

"Yeah you're damn right look at her. She's the most gorgeous girl I've seen in my whole life, with a personality to match. Now if you're done disrespecting my girlfriend, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Tommy says sternly and Madison's jaw drops to the floor. Her friends give their numbers to Nikki and Vince before pulling her away.

"When you get bored of her, just give me a call." Madison winks at Tommy and I shoot up instantly in my place facing her.

"Hey wait really quick." I yell and the girls whip around to look at me. "Are you sure your ass isn't jealous of all of the shit that come out of your mouth?" I spit and Madison scoffs once more before marching out of the diner, the other two girls in tow. All of the guys bust out laughing and I get high fives all around.

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't get up and beat her ass right then and there." My dad chuckles and I just shrug.

"She wasn't worth it. She's just some stupid groupie that can't handle rejection." I take a sip of my drink and all of the guys nod.

"Oh, baby, can I pretty please put a song on the jukebox now?" I look at Tommy with my pouty lip and puppy dog eyes. He laughs at me and pulls a few from his pocket handing them to me.

"Damn Mick you weren't wrong, it's impossible to say no to that face." Tommy looks at him and he shrugs.

"I tried to warn you." My dad says flatly before I pull Tommy up from the booth and towards the jukebox. I put in the quarters and riffle through songs before I find one that I love. I click the button for it to play next and Tommy looks at me curiously.

"What song did you pick babygirl?" Tommy looks at me while I bounce excitedly.

"You'll just have to wait and see!" I kiss him on the cheek and he leans against the jukebox, waiting it to come on. The current song ends and mine starts up. I stare at him with wide eyes and he pulls me into a hug, knowing exactly what it is.

"Can't Help Falling in Love? Really? You are so cheesy." Tommy snickers and I giggle, looking up at him. He pulls away and offers his hand to me. "Ms. Mars, may I please have this dance?" Tommy gives me his big goofy grin and I grab his hand.

"Of course you may Mr. Lee." I giggle and he pulls me close to him, my hands around his neck while his arms are around my waist. I hear a chorus of people, including the band, say 'awe' or 'how cute' as we slow dance in front of the jukebox. I lean my head into his chest, breathing in his scent, and I feel at home. I look up into his eyes and get lost in them, unable to look away. I hear the song end and he pulls me into a deep kiss before pulling away and bowing towards me. I do the same and we walk back over the the booth, sitting down with the guys. There's a huge smile plastered on both of our faces, and I don't think anything could ruin this night.

"I'm not really in-tune with my romantic side, but that's the cutest thing I've ever seen." Vince looks at us with a genuine smile. All the guys nod their head agreeing before we get the check. Nikki decided to take care of it this time and we all walk out, of course me and Tommy with our finger laced together.

"Alex, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. Please don't go anywhere." Tommy whispers and I smile up at him lightly.

"I promise I'm always going to be right here T." I kiss him on the cheek, my heart full and swelling.

Aweeee cute moment in the diner! I just kinda came up with this idea on the spot so sorry if it's shitty. But yeah that's all for now, byeeeee!

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