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Okay so before I get this started, the italics are going to be what's going on in Alex's head. It might get a little confusing so I'll try to indicate when it's her point of view. Anyways, on with the chapter!

(Alex's POV)

Cold, dark, confused. All of those words could explain how I feel right now. I feel like I'm in a different world. Nothing is right. I've been wandering these streets for months. Wait, is that Nikki's apartment? I'm going to go check it out. I wait outside the door after knocking and see Nikki open the door. I hug him instantly before he pushes me off.

"Why the fuck are you here?" He growls and I look at him with hurt in my eyes.

"Nikki, it's me. What are you talking about?" I whisper, tears starting to form. He moves to the side and I see my father glaring at me.

"Why are you here?" He says, no emotion in my voice.

"Daddy, I've missed you so much." I cry.

"You know what you did. Leave now." He scoffs. Tears start rolling down my face and I see Janet walk around the corner. She sits in my dad's lap and I couldn't be more confused.

(Tommy's POV)

I sit by Alex's bedside, refusing to leave. She's been in a coma for three months. Three fucking months without my babygirl. I've been so broken and the guys can see that. They come by everyday to see her but I never leave. The only time I do is to get a shower. I refused to change so the only clean clothes I get are the ones that Vince swaps out whenever I get in the shower. The doctors said she might never pull through, they've done everything they can. I cried almost non-stop for a week, but now all I feel is numb. The only person that stays here is Mick, just as torn apart as I am.

"I just don't get it. Why isn't she waking up?" I whisper, staring at her beautiful face.

"The doctor's already explained this T-Bone. I know it hurts but we need to get back in the studio. We haven't produced anything in three months." Nikki says and I glare at him. He's been a real dick lately and I'm getting fed up with it.

"Nikki I don't give a shit about recording! The love of my life is in a fucking coma that she might never wake up from! Don't you understand that you fucking prick! I was going to propose to her the next day! And now I'm staring at her almost lifeless body! You always claimed she was like a little sister to you, and now you're here concerned about your fucking music! Fuck off man!" I yell at him, tears rimming my bloodshot eyes.

"Whatever man." Nikki scoffs before walking out.

(Alex's POV)

I leave Nikki's apartment, wandering down to The Whiskey. I feel so heartbroken and confused. This isn't my world, this isn't right. I need to find Tommy. I walk into the bar and spot Vince, throwing back drinks and looking terrible. I walk over to him before he looks up at me, eyes with awful bags under them.

"What do you want?" He slurs, clearly not happy I'm here.

"Listen, I know you're mad or whatever, but where's Tommy?" I ask in a rush and he starts laughing.

"You really don't remember?" He takes another shot and I look at him confused.

"Remember what?" I sit down next to him and he scoots away.

"You're a bitch you know? First you kill our drummer and now you act like you know nothing about it? How high are you this time?" Vince scowls and walks away. My eyes widen and I lay my head on the table crying. What is going on?

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