Anything For You

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(Alex's POV)

I couldn't get the thought of that ring out of my head. Why would he propose to her? Maybe Nikki was wrong and he really is in love with Roxy. Thoughts keep swirling around in my head until I hear snapping in front of my face.

"Earth to Alex, babe are you alright? You've been staring off into space for like 20 minutes not saying anything." Tommy says concerned and I force a smile, turning his way. We decided to have an 'us' day today because we wanted things to be okay between us. Currently we're just sitting out front of the hotel smoking cigarettes together.

"Yeah, I just uh...I'm worried about Nikki, hasn't been around all day." I come up with a fake reason and he just continues giving me the same look. 

"Well, I hate to give you bad news, but if you're really not having sex with him like you say, there's a good chance he's cheating on you." Tommy continues eyeing me sympathetically.

"I doubt it, I mean it's possible but I just don't wanna give him something that special yet you know? I want to be sure." I take a puff of my cigarette, sighing out the smoke.

"Have you even told him that you're a virgin yet?" Tommy inquires and I shake my head.

"No, nobody knows except you and my dad. I mean no I'm not embarrassed, but I just don't think it's something people need to know." I lean forward, putting my jaw in my hands. Tommy rubs his hand up and down my back, sending shivers through my spine.

"Well, enough talk about this. I hate seeing you so sad, what do you want to do tonight?" Tommy leans forward as well to look at me. I just shrug and tell him to pick. He tells me to hop on his bike, and to wait for him to get back. I do as he says and he comes out with a backpack stuffed full of I don't even know what. I put it on my back and he starts up his bike, pulling away. We drive for about 15 minutes until we get to a spot, similar to the one where we had our first picnic.

"How did you know about this place? You always seem to know all of the prettiest spots." I hop off of his bike and look all around. It's a grassy hill surrounded by trees except for the front, where you get a perfect view of the city and the sunset.

"Honestly when I walked into the hotel I asked them if they knew any spots like this and they pointed me in this direction." Tommy chuckles and grabs the backpack from me. He unzips it and pulls out blankets and pillows, laying them across the ground. Of course, a bottle of Jack as well.

"What is all of this for?" I ask, a huge smile on my face.

"Well I know you've been really stressed out and the last time we did this it seemed to really calm you down. So we are going to watch the sunset, star-gaze, and get just a little bit drunk because I know you love to do that." He smiles and I give him a hug, causing him to stumble before hugging me back.

"You know, you're the sweetest. You always know exactly what to do to make me feel better." I mumble into his chest. I feel his arms tighten around me before I let go. He sits down on the blanket and pats between his legs. I sit down between him and breath in his scent of whiskey and cigarette smoke, which I missed so much. He wraps his arms around my waist and I lean back into him, resting my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and just take the time to enjoy his presence. I open my eyes to see the sun halfway down, the sky mixed with orange, yellow, and red. I hear Tommy sigh and I look up to him, seeing he has a semi-frown.

"What's the matter T? Got something on your mind?" I ask quietly and he nods.

"I'm just worried about everything with Roxy, I think love her but I'm scared I'm making a big mistake. What if it doesn't last? Or what if everything goes wrong or she finds someone else? Or what if..." Tommy rants but trails off at the end.

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