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(Alex's POV)

6 months. 6 months I've been without the love of my life. I moved back in with my dad and rarely leave. I won't turn on the tv because they're always all over the news. The only good thing, Doc hired me to help him with management, and I can work from home. The band is currently on tour again and everyone can tell tensions are high. Nikki has been strung out, Vince  getting more and more pissed off being the only sober one. My dad pissed as fuck at Tommy, and Tommy is a wreck, never sober. I sit on the couch drowning myself in alcohol, and I had found a new love. Heroine. It gives me that warm feeling that I've longed for since everything happened with Tommy. I begin to hear noises and gunshot and I freak out. I run to the phone and call the first number I see in the phone book. Paul Stanley. The line trills before he picks up.

"Hello?" He questions.

"I need your help, the men, they're trying to take me away!" I scream, shuffling around for a weapon.

"Alex? What's going on?" He asks.

"Shhhh the men are going to find me. I-I don't wanna be taken away. They coming to get me! I need a gun!" I whisper-yell.

"Alex, what men? Calm down you don't need a gun. Do you need me to come over?" Paul's voice sounds drowned out, but laced with concern.

"I need to hide from the men!" I yell before slamming down the phone. I run up to my fathers room and look through everything to find a gun. I get it loaded and carry it with me, keeping my guard up. I go and hide in my closet, listening to the sounds around me. Muffled yelling and distorted gunshot. I feel sweat drip down my face and then the closet opens. I point the gun at the figure and he throws his hands up, but it's just Paul. I get out of the closet and look around to see if the men are here.

"T-The men, they're gonna get me. We need to get out of here." I whip every which way looking for them. Paul grabs my face and gets me to look at him.

"Calm down, Alex. We're gonna go back to my place, the band is over there. You'll be safe there. Okay? Do you understand?" He speaks slowly and I nod. I gather a few things, quietly including my stash box and we head downstairs.

"The men are outside, we can't go!" I scream and run to the couch. Paul follows and grabs my hand.

"Hey, calm down, if we crouch down then they can't see us okay?" Paul says, playing along and I nod. He leads me to the door and opens it and I crouch, walking to his car. He grabs my keys and locks the house, opening the door for me. I crawl inside slowly and he gets in, pulling away from the house.


We get to where he lives and I've started coming down from my high. We pull in the driveway and get out, walking inside. I see Ace, Gene, and Peter sitting on the couch and I stare at them like they have three heads.

"What's wrong with her? She looks like shit." I hear Gene say but it sounds muffled.

"I'm not sure, she has to be on something though. My guess is heroine." Paul says, leading me to the couch. I sit down and put everything on the table.

"I-I need to use the restroom." I stand up, grabbing my stash box and looking around. I get to it and lock the door, sitting in the floor. I grab my band out and tie it around my arm tightly. I pull out my spoon and lighter and dump the powder in the spoon. I melt it down and take it all into the needle. I pull the band tighter with my teeth and then push the needle in my skin, putting all the heroine in my system. I release the band and a total sense of euphoria takes over me. I put all on my stuff away and come back out to the guys.

"You're pupils are as big as the moon dear, can you tell me what your on?" I only heard the first part of what Peter said before I hear the voices again.

"T-The men, they're back. They're back! I have to hide." I look around, trying to find a place to hide. I grab a knife from the kitchen and get under the table. Ace comes and coaxes me out and takes me to the phone where Paul is.

"Yeah, I need you to talk to her. She's on something, I think Heroine. Keeps talking about some men that are out to chase her." Paul says and my eyes look widely around. Ace gets the knife away from me and hands me the phone.

"Alex, are you there?" I hear this distorted voice of my father.

"D-daddy, the men are gonna get me! They're gonna take me away!" I cry, tears now pouring down my face.

"Listen, angel. There's no men okay? It's in your head. Can you please tell me what you took?" He asks quietly, but obviously pissed.

"They're gonna get me. I have to get the gun and hide daddy, I don't wanna be taken away from you." I sob and he sighs. The line goes silent and then I hear a voice I've refused to listen to for months.

"Alex, babe, what's going on?" Tommy says and suddenly, all I can focus on is him.

"T-Tommy..." I whisper.

"Alex, listen to me. It's in you head, there's no men coming to get you okay? We're gonna be home for a break in a week, stay with Ace until then okay?" He says, voice trembling. I don't know what to say.

"Alex, I love you, please-"

"No" I say quietly, cutting him off.

"No what?" He asks.

"No! No!" I scream, slamming the phone down and I curl up in a ball, crying. Paul picks me up and brings me to the couch, giving me a drink to calm down.

"Alex, why have you been acting like this? Doing heroine?" Ace asks.

"Tommy and I, we broke up. I need something to fill the void." I say blankly, staring off into space. I grab my box and open it up, searching for something else. I find it and lay it out on the table, snoring it instantly. Cocaine. I feel my body speed up and I feel much better.

"You need to stop. You're going to stay with us until the boys get here for their break." Paul says and I nod.


The next week was filled with Ace dealing with me talking about the men that were out to get me. I was so fucked up I could barely function and I hadn't been sober a second. I thought he was the problem the whole time, I hadn't done anything wrong in my mind, I was just fucked up. I was currently hiding in the bathroom when I hear a knock on the door.

"No, you'll never take me! Go away!" I scream, tensing up. The door opens and I scream and start crying, not wanting the men to take me.

"Alex, sweetie it's me. Calm down. Please." I hear my dad's voice and I fall into him. 

"Daddy, please get me away from here! The men are gonna find me!" I cry hugging him. Ace picks me up and takes me out to my fathers car, and Peter grabs all of my stuff, putting it in the back. I stare out the window, sounds swirling around in my head.

"Alex, what's the matter with you? This isn't you, what the fuck is going on?" My dad asks sternly and I look at him, tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Daddy, I'm gone. There's nothing left of me anymore." I whimper, continuing to stare blankly out the window.

"We're going home, I have the band there waiting for you." He says, and he pulls out of the driveway, taking me back to the hell that awaits.

Okay soooooooo I felt in a writing mood today so two chapters!!!!

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