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(Alex's POV)

As we pull into the driveway, my anxiety kicks in, making my high much more intense. I run into the house with my stuff, slamming the door behind me. I tip toe to the living room to see three men, all who I've never seen before. I try to run to the kitchen but am grabbed from behind so I start screaming.

"Let me go! I won't go with you!" I yell, thrashing around.

"Alex, Alex it's me. Stop." I hear the voice of Vince, so I stop. When I turn around, I see a face that I don't recognize and begin to freak out again. I was so fucked up that I couldn't even tell who the band was.

"You're not Vince! You won't take me away!" I scream as I deliver a right hook to the mans jaw. Another one of them tries to restrain me but I kick him in the stomach and start to run for the door. When I open it, I see another unknown man on the outside. I'm grabbed once more but I struggle and break free. I run past the man outside and just keep going, no destination in mind, I just ran.


(Tommy's POV)

"Dude, you fucked her up, bad." Nikki says blandly and I feel my heart drop. She's like this because of me, and now she's running out in the streets in the middle of the night. We're in the car looking for her, but she's nowhere to be found.

"Drummer, you're a deadman." Mick says coldly and I feel tears leak down my face. The love of my life, destroying her own, because I'm an idiot.

"I know this is my fault, I just didn't know it would get this bad. I need her in my life, I'm so in love with her it's not even funny. I made a mistake and I know it was a really bad one. I was drunk, and I cheated on her. I don't know how to make it better." I cry, and the tears begin flowing. I punch the window of the car and it shatters, making me yell out in pain.

"I'll tell you though, she has a hell of a right hook." Vince tries to joke, but we all just glare at him.

"Y'all should know better than to grab someone on heroine. They don't have any godly idea what's going on." Nikki mutters blankly. I just stare out the window hoping to see her, but I never do.


(Alex's POV)

I wake up and instantly my back feels like shit. I open my eyes to see the sky and I slowly sit up, seeing that I'm in an alleyway. I recognize it as the one next to my dealers house, so I decide to head up there. I knock on the door and he answers, allowing me inside.

"Hey Dan." I say bluntly and he just nods.

"Didn't you just buy from me yesterday? You're already out?" He chuckles and I shake my head.

"No, the last thing I remember is seeing men in my house I didn't know. I punched one, kicked another and then just ran out. After that, it's all a blank." I mutter, sitting down on his couch. He sits next to me, handing me a blunt and I hit it instantly. I feel the sweet smoke fill my lungs and I hold it in as long as I can.

"So why'd you come here then?" He asks after snorting a line of god knows what.

"I woke up in the alley next to your house, I don't have my bike or anything so I wanted to see if I could use your phone to call my dad." I say quietly and he just laughs.

"Of course, you know where it is." He points and I thank him, standing up to go to the phone. I call my dad's number and wait for a minute before there's an answer.

"Hey daddy." I whisper.

"Alex? Where the hell are you? I'm coming to get you now." He says calmly, and I know that means I'm in big trouble.

"I'm at my dealers house...I woke up in the alley next to it." I say ashamed and I give him the address before hanging up. I go and sit back down next to Dan and just stare at my hands, knowing this is going to be bad. We chat a little until the door open and my father stomps inside.

"We're leaving, now." He demands and I stand up with my head down, walking to the car without a word. My father gets in and just sighs, not starting the car.

"I was worried sick about you. You have to stop this, now. I can't leave on tour if you're going to get like this everytime I leave." He stare at me pissed, but there's also hints of sadness in his eyes.

"I know, I just don't know how to stop. I need it, it's the only thing that makes me feel." I try to explain but he doesn't want to hear it.

"No, I know you're hurt and I know Tommy did a terrible thing. But you're not going to get over it by loading your system with drugs. Stop." He says sternly and I nod, not wanting to look at him. He takes me home and I go up to my room, shutting the door and crying loudly.


That conversation is the last thing that played over in my head before I shot up again. I had gotten more from my dealer and he said it was something new, supposedly stronger than what it was before. I do my usual deal and the euphoria overtakes me, but this time it feels different. It feels wrong. I try to stand up but I stumble to the ground and then everything goes black.


(Tommy's POV)

I walk into Mick's home and wave to him. He knows I came to talk to Alex, so I walk upstairs to her room. When I push the door open, she isn't in there.

"Alex?" I ask, but nothing in response. I try to open the bathroom door but it's locked.

"Alex?!" I ask a bit louder and a bit more worried. Again no response, so I get frantic.

"Alex if you don't answer I'm going to kick open the door." I say and hear nothing. I begin to kick on the door. It takes three tries before it's open and I see a very pale Alex on the other side with a needle sticking out of her arm. I rush to her and yell for Mick, of course he comes running. I check for a pulse but it's very faint. I call an ambulance as Mick tries to wake her up and he gets a little bit of movement from her.

"Angel. Please, say something." He begs, and she weakly moves her hand to his face.

"I-I love you d-daddy. Please never f-forget that, tell the band I l-love them too. And T-Tommy, tell him-tell him I never stopped loving h-him. Please." She barely gets out before she falls limp once more. I rush to her side, tears pouring down my cheeks and the ambulance arrives. They take her away and all I can think is that I'm the reason that Alex is dead.

So this is going to be pretty sad for a lil minute and I'm sorry.

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