The Storm

877 13 1

(Alex's POV)

I turn around to see my mother, or so she calls herself, and another one of her fucks-of-the-day. I just scowl at her, and she shoots me a death glare. She's very clearly been drinking and is coked up. Her clothes look like they hadn't been washed in days, there's terrible bags under her blood shot eyes. She's holding a paper bag, probably with a bottle full of scotch.

"What do you want, Janet? I don't have time for this shit today, or ever." I scoff at her, rolling my eyes. I cross my arms and just glare.

"Don't you dare talk to your mother that way. You're coming home with me right now, where you belong!" She yells, drawing the attention of a few people in the store. I continue to stare at her, emotionless.

"You are not my mother, all you ever did was bring random ass guys around everyday. You did coke and got shit faced, leaving me to do everything on my own. I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm 18, turning 19 in a week no less, and you have the nerve to try and tell me that you own me? How did you even find me?" I spat, venom dripping from my words.

"It wasn't that hard really. You're all over the news with the band. All I had to do was find the tour dates, and wait. I knew you'd be around eventually." She hums, almost too satisfied with herself. She begins to step closer to me with her boy toy and I step back.

"So what, you've been stalking me then?" I scoff again, very annoyed I'm even seeing her right now.

"If that's what you'd like to call it. You're my daughter, I have a right to keep tabs on you." She says, staring daggers into my skull.

"You lost your privileges as a mother the day you starting hitting me, getting other men to hit me when I didn't listen to you. I was only 6 fucking years old when you started that shit. Because of you, I can't trust anybody. Because of you, I flinch everytime someone tries to give me a high-five or hug me. The only people I ever even talk to is the band. I have a fucked up brain because of you. So fuck you, don't you give me any of that shit. I left for a reason, and I'm never coming back. So get that through your coked up brain." I scream at her, about to lose my shit and just knock her out. The store manager ended up kicking us out of the store because we were bothering the other customers. I begin to walk away until I feel a hand on my shoulder, whipping me around. I look up to see the man with Janet, and he throws me over his shoulder.

"You should've just listened to me Alex, it would've made things so much easier." She says sweetly, knowing it'll piss me off even more. I begin screaming, beating on his back, and lashing around doing everything that I can to get down.

"Get off of me you fucking piece of shit! I don't even fucking know you! Put me down!" I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping someone will come to help me. He just keeps a tight grip on me and Janet tells him to follow her. "Tommy! Dad! Anyone! Fucking help me!" I continue screaming before the man slaps me, causing my vision to get hazy. I hear running down the sidewalk, and I pray to god it's someone coming to release me from these monsters.

"Put her down you asshole, before I make you!" I hear a familiar voice yell, but I'm too disoriented to tell who it is.

"You? You couldn't do shit to me string bean. Neither could you old man." The guy carrying me laughs. I feel him jolt back, and he drops me to the ground where I land on my ass, hard. I continue to hear blows landing, and a screaming match between Janet and what sounds like my dad. I hold my head, trying to get my vision back to normal.

"Janet, she's old enough to make her own decisions. We're filing a restraining order today, and be expecting to see this in the news, because the paparazzi gets everything on us. Be lucky you don't end up in jail. Tommy, grab Alex and let's go." My dad says, trying his best not to scream at Janet. I feel myself being picked up bridal style and everything goes black.


I feel myself waking up and my head instantly begins pounding, as well as my cheek feeling as if it was on fire.

"No you fucking do it, right now. Her mother is a coked out piece of shit that wants nothing more than to make her life hell. If it's possible, make it to where she can't even be in the same city. I want nothing to do with that women and neither does she. Understand? No not in a few days, right now. No I will not be put on hold! Put it through right now or else I will fly there right now and talk to the person in charge. Okay. Okay. Thank you, have a good day." I hear my dad yelling, making my head feel like it could burst at any second.

"Dad please stop yelling, my head is killing me." I groan, opening my eyes and holding my head. Tommy instantly runs over, hugging me as tightly as he can and I hug him back. He pulls away, worry filling his eyes.

"T, I promise I'm okay. You don't need to worry." I tell him, putting my hand on his cheek. He gives me a sad smile and sits up, pulling me straight into his lap and wrapping his arms around me. I just lean into him with a small smile, and look at all of the other guys, each with the same look of worry.

"Do you remember what happened?" My dad asks, kneeling down in front of me.

"Yeah, Janet is an asshole. I hope she rots in hell where she belongs." I state, rolling my eyes at the fact that I even have to think about her. 

"Oh she will, I already pressed charges against her and the man she was with for attempted kidnapping. And I just called in to get a restraining order to where she can't be in the same city as me or you." My dad explains, clenching his fists and looking into my eyes. I give him a kiss on his forehead and told him thank you.

"Yeah take a look at the news, it's only been a couple hours and they're already reporting that it's expected they'll be put into prison at a minimum of 10 years. But knowing Mick, he'll fight to get it pushed to 20." Vince points to the television on the bus, and I look over to it. I see my mom in handcuffs as well as the man she was with. His name is Nick Cartioli, and apparently has been imprisoned before for domestic violence, not a surprise.

"How did you guys even find me? I thought you were at sound check?" I ask, looking around.

"We were, but we heard screaming outside and we weren't just going to let it go. So we stuck out heads out the door to make sure everything was okay, and that's when we saw that douche bag with you on his shoulder. Tommy took off immediately, as well as Mick. We knew they could handle it, but we stayed by the door just in case." Vince explained to me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Nikki asks, face laced with concern. I nod at him with a small smile and lean back into Tommy. Could today get any worse?


A week passes and it's now my birthday. I'm really hoping the guys forgot because I don't want a whole big ordeal made out of it. However, we're in Vegas at the moment for the guys tour, so I'll be getting hammered tonight for sure. I wake up to something being put in my lap. I rub my eyes and see Tommy with a goofy smile and a party hat on.

"Happy birthday babe!" He yells, and pops a little confetti cannon over my head. I just giggle at him and look down at what's in my lap. It's a bouquet of sunflowers and red roses which he knows is my favorite, waffles, fresh fruit, and oatmeal.

"Tommy honey, you didn't have to do all of this for me, I'm just turning 19 so it isn't a big deal." I say, trying to suppress my smile.

"Oh you hush, your birthday will always be a big deal to me. Besides, we have a ton planned out for you today so get ready for it." Tommy tells me, sliding into bed next to me. I just roll my eyes and sit in bed with Tommy, both of us eating the breakfast he got for me. Hopefully today will be a good day.

I'm back from vacation which means more updates! This chapter is pretty sucky but the next one should be good because it's going to be all of the birthday antics the boys have planned for Alex. As usual, I hope you enjoyed it. Byeeeee!

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