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(Alex's POV)

"Oh my god, babygirl. You're awake. Holy shit!" Tommy hugs me tightly, kissing my forehead. I groan out in pain and he tells me sorry. My dad gives me a long hug as well and Tommy calls the nurses in.

"Well Ms.Mars, I'm glad to see you're finally awake. I'm Nurse Jen, I've been taking care of you. I assume you're a little confused so I'll catch you up on everything. You were in a very serious car wreck with Mr.Neil. You had a fractured rib and multiple lacerations. You will have a permanent scar across your right temple. The most damage happened to your head however which sent you into a coma for the past 3 months. Luckily you have no injuries to the brain. However your muscles went into atrophy since you've been in the coma so you will need physical therapy to build them back up." The nurse explains with a sympathetic smile, flipping through papers.

"I've been in a coma for 3 months?" I croak out, my throat drier than the desert. Nurse Jen hands me a bottle of water and tells me to take sips of it.

"Yes ma'am. We will need you to stay in the hospital for awhile so we can monitor your progress with the therapy. I will be helping you every step of the way and to help you with anything you need. You're very lucky, these two men have not left this room since you came here. As well as the three other visitors that come in just about everyday." She nods at me, still smiling and walks out of the room.

"I'm so glad you're okay angel. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something had happened to you." My dad says sadly while grabbing my hand.

"I'm not going anywhere daddy, I promise you." I try my best to squeeze his hand. I look to Tommy to see tears pouring down his face.

"Babygirl, I'm beyond happy to see you. I was a wreck without you. Please don't ever leave me again." Tommy sobs and I give him a soft smile.

"Don't worry baby, I'm here now. You never have to worry about me leaving again." I slowly lift my arm to wipe the tears from his face. He stands up and gives me a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you. Forever." Tommy whispers.

"I love you. Always." I smile. Tommy walks out of the room to call the band and Sharise to come and see me. I continue to talk to my dad about everything that has happened since I've been out. Nurse Jen comes in and takes most of the tubing and wiring off of and out of me before leaving once more. After about 20 minutes he walks back in with the group, minus Sharise. Vince walks over and gives me a long but light hug and Nikki just waves at me.

"How ya feeling kid? We've been worried about you." Vince asks.

"Well, I feel really drained but I assume that's to be expected. I had the weirdest dream while I was in the coma. It felt like I was in a different world." I sigh and everyone looks at me curiously.

"Tell us about it." Nikki says flatly with his arms crossed.

"Well, for the longest time at first I was just walking down the streets, and it was always night. After what felt like years, I found Nikki's apartment but neither him nor dad wanted anything to do with me. Dad you were still with Janet too. You made me leave so I went to the Whiskey and found Vince who wanted nothing to do with me as well. You all kept saying 'I know what I did' but I didn't understand. I couldn't find Tommy anywhere. Sharise came up later and was the only one supporting me. Apparently in that weird dream state, I was addicted to heroine. I told her I was confused and she said that Tommy had been killed a week after we got married, and the band though that I was the one that had done it. I left the Whiskey and heard echoing all around me, it sounded like Tommy so I started running up and down the streets. Eventually, I saw a bright light and ran into it and then that's when I woke up." I continue to sip my water, trying my best to keep my mouth and throat wet. Nikki's eyes went wide when I mentioned heroine, and at that moment I realized why he had been so distant. I decided to keep it to myself for now.

"Well just know that we would never hate you, or turn you away. You're family." Vince half-smiles and I thank him.

"Hey, where's Sharise?" I look around confused and I hear the door open, Sharise walking in with a little girl. My eyes go bright and a huge smile slowly spreads across my cracked lips.

"Hey Alex, I want you to meet Skylar. Your god-daughter." She says quietly and my eyes bolt to hers.

"God-daughter? You mean I'm her god-mother?" I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. She nods her head and hands her to me, laying her in between my body and right arm. I look down at her and the tears start spilling down my cheeks.

"Oh darling please don't cry." Tommy says, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"They're happy tears T." I whimper, laying my head back. Sharise picks Skylar up and and I feel my eyes get heavy. I yawn loudly and slowly turn on my side.

"Alright everyone, she needs her rest. You can come back tomorrow and visit. Mr.Mars and Mr.Lee you can stay if you'd like." Nurse Jen says sweetly and everyone says their goodbyes. I feel myself fall asleep instantly once everyone leaves.


It's been a month now and Nurse Jen told me that I'll be able to leave the hospital in a few days. As well that I've been recovering much better than most people would have. The guys are back in the studio and have been doing well with their new album. They all come to see me everyday and Tommy stays the night with me. I'm finally able to walk around on my own so I go to see them in the studio sometimes, but Nurse Jen always comes with me just to be safe. However, I don't mind it, me and her have become really good friends over the past month. It's finally the end of the day and I'm back in my room for the night. Tommy is sitting by my side and we're just goofing around like we always do.

"So my love, how long until you can leave?" Tommy fiddles with my finger and I shrug.

"I'm not too sure, Jen said probably no more than a week because I've been doing so well." I flip through the channels on the little television in the room. Tommy puts his hand under my chin and move my face to look at his. We share a loving kiss before he pulls away and puts his forehead on mine.

"Please move in with me. I've already talked to Mick and he said it's fine as long as that's what you want." Tommy blurts out. I pull away and look at him, falling in a trance looking into his eyes.

"Of course I'll move in with you T. I was just waiting for you to ask." I giggle, him letting out a laugh. He wraps me in a hug and we sit there, just enjoying each other. Jen comes in to check on me one last time for the night before closing my door and leaving me and Tommy alone.

"You know, even when I was in a coma all that could go through my head was you. I missed you so much." I whisper and he crawls into bed with me.

"Trust me I felt the same. The only time I left this room was to get a shower, Vince had to swap out clothes for me because I refused to go home and change." He chuckles and I smile at him.

"Well I'm here now and you're stuck with me. I can already tell you're doing better." I smile and he looks at me.

"Well you know, now that you're better I'm getting back on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?" He smirks and I let out a loud laugh. I pull him on top of me and crash my lips to his. Let's just say that the neighbors probably aren't too happy with us.

Okayyyyy new update. Not my favorite but I needed to kinda tie up the lose ends and all. I dont have much to say so here ya go. Byeeee!

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