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(Alex's POV)

It's the last show in the state, and Tommy is getting ready to say goodbye to his parents. Of course I tag along because I really like them already. We check out of the hotel and walk out front to see them loading stuff into their car. Tommy runs over to them, giving them both hugs at the same time.

"Bye ma, bye dad! I'm going to miss you so much! I promise to visit as soon as I can." Tommy says with a smile, but I can tell he's sad. I walk over to them, and Tommy puts his arm around me.

"It was so good to meet both of you, you've really raised a wonderful man. Even if he is a little crazy sometimes." I giggle and they smile at me.

"It was really great to meet you too. Make sure to keep my little boy in line, I've seen some of the crazy stuff this band does." Tommy's mom says and I nod with another giggle. I give her a hug and his father as well.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of you soon too. Here's out number in case you ever need anything dear." His dad says and I gratefully accept it. They both get into the car, and me and Tommy wave as they both drive away.

"Your parents are just the kindest people, I can see where you got it from." I look up at Tommy with a soft smile.

"They are everything I want in a relationship and marriage honestly, they taught me to be respectful and never let my wife forget how much I love her. They can be gross but damn, I love them to death." Tommy says, looking in the direction their car left and I smile to myself. We depart and help the rest of the people loading the bus, and we head out.


I wake up around noon the next day from the movement of the bus. I groan and walk out into the main area, still wearing my athletic shorts and baggy hoodie that I, of course, stole from Tommy.

"Morning Alex, how did you sleep?" Nikki asks and I just roll my eyes.

"Ya'll should know by now not to talk to her until after she's had her morning 'coffee', especially when we're on the bus." Tommy chuckles and I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, morning 'coffee' is actually morning bottle of Jack." I sigh, flicking off the lid from the bottle and take a long drink. All the guys laugh at me and Roxy just gives me a death glare. I flip her off before taking another swig and she scoffs. I hear my dad snicker, knowing he saw the exchange. I sit down next to him, tuning his other guitar while he works on the first one.

"Hey Sixx, I keep having this vision right? Where my drum set, it rises up and then bam! Smoke, and lights and then the whole thing starts spinning around and I'm playing drums upside down and..." Tommy rants about his drums and I just roll my eyes and smile to myself at his antics. "Here, I should just draw it for you. Hey Rox, you got a pen? Gimme a pen. But like, a cage or something I don't know." Tommy continues while Roxy riffles for a pen, looking annoyed.

"You're mom's a cunt." She says and I instantly shoot a glare at her. Tommy turns around with a hurt look on his face.

"What? Why would you say that?" Tommy asked, getting pissed.

"Because she is. She's a cunt, so is Alex." She says once more and I begin to stand up before my dad holds me down. I look at him and he just shakes his head.

"Quit it. Give me the pen alright?" Tommy huffs at her.

"I don't even know why you told them. It's not like she has anything to do with us getting married!" Roxy yells and my blood begins to boil at how disrespectful she's being.

"Baby, it's sweet alright? It's tradition." Tommy rolls his eyes before looking back to Nikki. Roxy stands up and moves next to Tommy, getting in his face.

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