Chapter 91-Sophie

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He stood at the cliff's edge, facing the sea, wind battering him. Each gust sent his hair into his eyes, wrapped his cloak around his legs.

He'd stood there for two hours already.

Sophie watched him, noting how his hands clenched and unclenched. How his shoulders were slumped, and his arms were wrapped around himself as if to fend off more heartbreak.

She wished she could shield him from more. Save his already shattered pieces. Gather them up in a bag and patch them together. She wished she could put steel around his heart, so he wouldn't be hurt anymore.

Silently, she stepped up behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. He didn't say anything for a long moment.

"I keep thinking this time she'll come back." His eyes were set, staring to the horizon at the choppy waves. The familiar ice blue of his eyes looked almost grey.

Sophie slipped her hand into his freezing cold one. She squeezed it, once, and felt him tighten his grip. He looked down at her, and Sophie felt her heart break a little more at his drawn, tired expression.

"She's not coming back this time, though." He paused. "Is she?"

Sophie hesitated, then shook her head slowly.

He sighed.

"I know." His eyes settled on the horizon again. "I could feel it this time." His Adam's apple bobbed. "Then I saw her and..." he trailed off. "She's dead."

He turned to face her. His eyes glittered. "She's dead, Foster," he repeated. "She's not coming back—" his voice broke.

She pulled him to her as he broke down, arms, his arms circling her waist. He melted into her as she whispered meaningless words of comfort. He buried his face into the crook of her neck.

Sophie hated these moments. She hated that he wasn't able to be strong, because everything had to take him down. He deserved to be happy, for once. He deserved to have parents who loved him openly and without reserve, parents he didn't have to feel guilty to mourn.

Keefe Sencen deserved the world, but the world didn't deserve Keefe Sencen.


The planting of Gisela Sencen was a private affair.

Three families were invited and attended, only to support Keefe.

Sophie stayed with her parents, all wearing the customary green. The Vackers stood behind them, and the Dizznees were on the other side. The triplets were notably absent, as Dex had told Sophie and Keefe privately that they weren't exactly ready to face yet another planting.

Keefe stood with Cassius stiffly next to the slowly sprouting tree. Sophie's heart ached with how alike they looked in that moment, father and son. Keefe's face was set, unreadable. Cassius's eyes were tinged with red.

And yet, when Keefe made eye contact with Sophie as she waited behind the others to give her condolences, she saw his face crumple, for a brief instant.

She made her way to him, giving a slight, brief nod to Cassius before moving to Keefe.

"Hey," she whispered. "You alright?"

Keefe nodded, silent.

Sophie gazed up at him, at the ice blue of his eyes. His heart was breaking, she knew.

Keefe had deserved so much better than her, but she was what he got. And now he didn't even have her.

"Keefe—" Sophie started.

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