𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11

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I went to Elise's room, she was sniffling and having a hard time to breathe.

I walked over to her and kneeled down, I placed my hand on her head and thankfully she wasn't burning up.

I carry around a medical bag with things like a stethoscope, thermometer, medical things basically.

I pulled out the thermometer and placed it in her mouth, no fever.

"Hey hun, is anywhere hurting you?" She shook her head, "my nose is stuffy and I keep sneezing."

"Do you cough sometimes?" She nodded, "does it hurt?" She shook her head.

"You have a cold Elise, you probably won't like the smell of what I put on you right now but it'll help you okay?"

My mom, since she loves home remedies she showed me how to make a Vick's rub using the Vick's as a base and adding a few things to it. I carry it around with me just in case, I took it out of my bag and applied some on her throat, forehead, nose and chest.

"It's grainy.." she mumbled, "it's a special rub to make you feel better faster."

I finished and placed it on her night stand, "if you feel like you need put more on, you can use it okay? Just put a little on and wash your hands after you do."

She nodded, "thank you Kali.." I pushed her hair back from her face and caressed her cheek a bit till she fell asleep.

Her breathing wasn't as bad now, and she wasn't fussy.

"Its just a common cold, none of you know how to deal with it?" I asked them all when I came back downstairs.

No one answered, that's not surprising. Rich people have people taking care of them and don't know how to take care of others on their own. Before my family became rich, we were poor and all took care of each other. Being born rich really has its downside and these four are great examples of it.

"Fucking unbelievable, I would expect as a father you'd know these things."

"Kali I-.."

"No, shut up. I don't wanna hear shit from you." I cut Kieran off because I don't want to hear what he has to say. I get being a single dad is hard but it doesn't excuse how he doesn't know when his kid is seriously ill or just mildly ill.

"I think we'll leave." Kian said, Angel and Jacob agreed and left.

Now it was just Kieran and I.

"Kali, I'm sorry."

"Yeah after the fact." I don't think I'm being too harsh on him, he deserves it.

"When she gets sick it scares me, because I don't know what it is or how to handle it. I know I'm a bad dad, I'm sorry I held a gun against you."

"You do things on impulse, one of these days it's gonna make you lose everyone around you." I said.

He nodded, "I know that too."

"It won't happen again so I can't be mad, anyways like I said I held up my end and your mom is cancer free so I think it's time I go."


That slipped my mind completely, I forgot about the deal.

"Right." I'm upset about it?

We weren't close to begin with, I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I don't want her to go but it was an agreement we made, I'll always stick to agreements.

"I can have your things brought to you tomorrow if you leave now."

"Yeah that would be best."

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