𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 12

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"Let's welcome the great medical scientist Kali Alarie!" I was asked to speak at a seminar filled with medical students, they figured since I was young and I was popular around the world for my medication it would be a good idea that I speak to give them motivation.

I'm glad I know French, "Bonjour à tous! Je suis heureux d'être ici." (Hey there! I am glad to be here.)

The audience went quiet so I could speak.

"Être dans le domaine médical est difficile, il m'a fallu environ quatre ans pour en arriver là où je suis. cela prend du temps, et un conseil serait de ne jamais se précipiter. prenez votre temps pour rechercher et tester, le temps est toujours payant."

(Being in the medical field is tough, it took me about four years to get where I am. it takes time, and one piece of advice would be to never rush. take your time to research and test, time always pays off)

I kept my speech short, rather because I have an event to attend tonight and I only have three hours to get ready and get there.


Paris is so pretty at night, feels a little too good to be real

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Paris is so pretty at night, feels a little too good to be real.

I walked into the banquet hall, it was charity event, or dinner. Something like that, I'm not sure.

I was sat at table three, just at the front.

I took a glass of champagne and walked around to speak to people, I believe it's an event for big contributors all over the world. It didn't surprise me that I saw a few people I knew from LA, everyone looked so different.

I spoke to about five people, all were asking about if I was ready to pair up with a company or work for them which I politely turned down.

I work better solo, and I know how big companies like to make the actual creator feel small.

As I was walking to my table, someone caught my eye.


I expected that but I didn't think I'd see him.

He didn't look that different, his hair was a bit longer and he had a neck tattoo.

I notice beside him was his mom, across was his dad-oh the whole family was here. How sweet, even Elise was here.

I chuckled to myself and drank the rest of my champagne, I walked to my seat and sat down.

It's nice to see families all happy together, especially the Hyde's after everything they went through.

I took my phone out of my purse and scrolled through my messages with my family, no call or text in a year. My parents have been busy, my sisters are busy with school, and I'm on my own. There's no issue with that though, our family was never close like that. We all did our own thing, but one day I'll visit them.

I shut my phone off and placed it back in my purse, I looked at the paper that was in front of me. It was the program for tonight, oh it's not a lot. Good because I'm tired, these charity events are too much.

"Kali?" I turned around knowing who it was, Anne.

She looked happy to see me, I smiled at her.

"Hey Mrs.Hyde." She hurried over to me and hugged me, "it's been so long! Why didn't you contact us?"

I hugged her back before she sat beside me, "I cut off everyone after I left LA, bad habit of mine."

"We all have bad habits, how have you been?"

"I've been good, how about you and your family?"

"We've been really well, it's all thanks to you."

"I didn't do much, I just did what I was there to do." I said.

She sighed, "my mom is right, it is thanks to you." Kieran said.

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