𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 36

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"Is that everyone?" I spoke into my earpiece to Kian. "I'm handling like five guys on my end, hold on."

I tuned it to Jacob now, "anyone else?"

"Not in your direction-wait behind you"

Gunshots rang out, I turned around and saw Kali.

"Seriously you need to watch your back better." She said while reloading her gun.

This is not the time for me to fall in love again with my wife but that was hot.

"Giving you gun was a mistake and a blessing." I said as she came over to me. Kian not long after came out, "oh a family reunion, horrid timing though." He spoke.

"That's everyone, all that's left is set everything on fire." Jacob said.

"One step ahead of you." Kali said and pressed a button on the remote she pulled out. The building went up in flames, "I don't think I'll ask about that, you're crazy." Kian said and walked off.


Kieran was up in his home office with Luna, Elise was doing homework in her room. Maybe I should go see what Luna and Kieran are doing.

I headed upstairs and knocked on the door, "come in!" I guess Elise was finished her homework and was with Kieran.

I opened the door, the scene in front of me was too cute to not take a picture of.

Kieran was sleeping in his chair, Luna was sleeping on his chest while Elise was sitting on his lap leaning against him reading a book.

I took a picture of it and sent it to Kian and Angel, so adorable.

"Did he just fall asleep?" I asked Elise.

"Yeah, dad said he didn't wanna bother you so he put Luna to sleep and then fell asleep after."

"How about we let them sleep and go bake some cookies? I need my famous little baker with me to do it."

She giggled, before getting off of Kieran she kissed his cheek and kissed Luna's cheek and got off to come to me.


"Ba-!" I felt tapping on my face, I opened my eyes to Luna slapping my face, "Hey little moon"

Luna had big green eyes like mine, when she smiles she has Kali's dimples, she looks like Kali but has my features.

Kali really did give me a gift, she gave me a family. It used to be me and Elise on our own, but when now we're not and we even have a new little addition that's currently slapping my nose.

I smiled and kissed her cheek, she giggled. Oh I miss the baby giggle Elise used to do, it makes me happy to hear it.


"Smiley face cookies?" I watched as Elise piped on smiley faces on the chocolate chip cookies we made.

Sugar overload goodness me.

She was focused on it, at the same time Kieran had came down with Luna.

"No wonder I smelt something good." He said and came into the kitchen, "shush dad I'm focusing!"

"Did she just-.."

"She said be quiet, so be quiet." I laughed.

"You both are so nice to me, wow." He said.

I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, well I tried to but Luna put her hand by my mouth.

"Oh so you wanna hog daddy?" She didn't want me kissing Kieran, he laughed.

It was cute though, Kieran and Luna's bond. She'd grow up be a daddy's girl like Elise here.


"Now I get you to myself" I hugged snuggled into Kieran's side while we laid down.

"Yeah? You've got competition now don't you?" He kept his eyes on his book, "I don't see my daughter's as competition" I told him.

He closed his book and took his glasses off, he laid down and let me get comfortable.

"Baby I wanna just say thank you for everything." He said.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For coming into my life and making it better, you showed me what family really was and how it feels to have people to come home to. Not only that but you had my back more times than I could count."

"I can thank you as well, for doing what you could to make up for the years in high school. You also showed me a new world the minute you helped me with my dream, I'm sure it wouldn't have gone anywhere without your influence...and my divorce as well."

"I'm glad you let me do all of that, and how about we promise each other something?"

"Promise what?"

"We create a much better new world for our family, where everything revolves around us and our girls."

I smiled, "that's a deal I'm willing to carry out."

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