𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 33

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"Wowee she's living in a mansion in there isn't she?" Kian asked.

I am heavily pregnant with a baby girl, the bump is huge but I figured since the tall and big genes run through Kieran's family.

Kian and I grew closer, he was like a brother to me.

Kieran..well he's been distant throughout the pregnancy so far. He occupies himself with work, if I do need something or if I need help he would be there but other than that he doesn't really speak to me much and I don't see much of him.

He did set up the nursery though, that was a surprise because I didn't think he would.

"Yeah haha, she really is."

Kian looked at me, "I guess Kieran hasn't come around yet huh?" I sighed and leaned back on the couch. I shook my head, "nope, he helps me and gets me things, he even set the nursery up by himself but hasn't spoken to me or even touched the bump."

Kian sighed too, "I don't know what to say, I would help but when Kieran is set in his ways it's definitely hard to change him."

"You and me both, I don't know how to help him get comfortable with this."

"That's not your job Kali, all you need to do is focus on being comfortable and all that. Kieran is being a dense guy, he's been like that ever since Elise but now we see it fully."

"I get that, I do but I just wish he'd at least try to speak to me. Unless I call for him, we don't speak."

"Kieran is an idiot, he needs to realize that this is a healthy relationship and everything is being done with consent." Angel said and handed me a bottle of water, she sat beside me and placed her hand on my stomach.

The baby kicked, she does that from time to time which is good. She moves around a lot too, I'm sure she'll just slip out of me when the time comes.


Kian dropped me home, Kieran was home.

Just as I was about to open the door, I heard noise inside. Kian didn't leave yet, I told him to come.

He turned his car off and came out, "what's the matter?" He asked.

"I think someone is here, Kieran isn't alone." I pointed to the lock on the door that was broken and the door was cracked opened.

Kian instantly pulled out his gun, "go stay in the car Kali." I won't argue, so I went to go sit in the car.


She's a smart one, I pushed opened the door and damn the house was a mess.

Glass was everywhere, photos were smashed.

I looked around, Kieran was tied up with his mouth taped and on the floor laying on his side.

Either the person is still here, or they left in a rush.

Gunshots rang out, I turned around to see Kali there pointing a gun at a man who's now dead and bleeding out on the floor.

"Sorry, it was either I let you get shot or I do something about it." She said.

"Thank you for that but get back in the car till I make sure the house is fully cleared." She nodded and left.

What a woman, even when pregnant she's a badass. "Kieran you really got gold this time, and you don't even see it." I mumbled.

Kieran started to wake up, I ripped the tape off his mouth. "Could you be anymore aggressive?" Kieran said.

"Do you want me to fucking slap you? No? Then I suggest you shut up." Even being in such a situation, my damn twin brother knows how to get on someone's nerves.

"How many people were here?" I asked while untying him.

"It was one guy, he caught me off guard which is why I was hogtied and knocked out."

"Oh, if that's the case it looks like your girlfriend took care of it." I moved aside and let him sit up to see.

"You gave her a gun? While she's pregnant?"

"It's not my fault she carries one in her bag now is it?"

"Huh-she does?" He's really out of touch with Kali.

"Well with the way you were a damn chicken and being scared for her, she took measures into her own hands. Give her more credit, she's actually keeping in mind all your worries."

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