𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 23

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Out of the two dresses her showed me, he picked a completely different one.

I didn't mind it though, it looked really nice and it was dark red too.

I did my hair, I have natural straight hair so I just had to brush it through and my outfit was done. My makeup was minimal, mascara, eyeliner and I did my lips in a nude shade.

I glanced over to Kieran, he was fixing his blazer and checking himself out in the mirror. I chuckled, he's full of himself.

I felt his cold rings on my back, he caressed my back with the back of his hand.

"You look so beautiful" he whispered in my ear and kissed my shoulder, "and you look..surprisingly handsome like this."

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "yeah? I'm glad you think I'm handsome, devil."

"I am not a devil."

"Oh but you are, must I remind you that you smashed a test tube against my head? Oh don't get me started with the tricks you've got. If god wanted me to suffer, they sent you instead. You're like a blessing and curse."

"I made your life more interesting."

"That's true, didn't think I'd chase after a woman but here you are."

I guess I really am lucky.

"I have something for you" he said.

He handed me a box, I opened it to see a necklace and a matching pair of earrings.

"Only the finest things for my girl right?"

I was at a lost for words.

Expensive and the finest jewelry, before I could speak he was already putting the necklace on me.

It was a really pretty diamond necklace, the earrings were long dangling silver ones.

He started to put those on me once he fixed my hair out of the necklace, "you didn't need to do this for me" I spoke.

"I didn't but I wanted to, how else will I let people know you're mine? You need to stand out..since we are the stars of tonight's show."

There was a knock on the bedroom door, Kieran went to answer it.

"Here I am!" Elise said.

I looked over, aw she looks so adorable in the dress. She's decked out with diamonds like I am, Angel was here getting her ready.

"Thanks a lot Angel." Kieran said.

"Don't worry about it. Have fun tonight!"

We arrived at the hall, he said it was an important night for him but he still hasn't told me what it's about.

He was holding Elise with one arm and had his other arm around me, "ready?" He asked.


We walked in, there were many families.

The wives were the most intimating, "why do I feel like the group of women over there don't like me?"

"They wanted their daughters to marry me, I didn't have an interest in it because I was already pursuing you."

"oh so not that long then."

"No it's been at least two years, maybe three."

I still find it shocking.

"Is this an award event?" I asked.

"You could say that." No more context given, I want to strangle him.

We were sat right at the front as everyone took their seats, "mom this is boring." Elise whined, I chuckled and gave her my phone. "Here, just keep the volume low okay?" She nodded and started playing her games on my phone.

"Welcome everyone to the World Recognition Event! All the big people some say from all over the world are here today, even the smaller but had a big impact people. To start of the night, we'd like to invite Kieran Hyde up to the stage to recognize the first person for tonight."

Kieran got up and went to the stage, he's a very attractive man. Everyone's attention was on him like usual.

"Hello everyone, as you heard my name is Kieran Hyde. You've probably heard more of my family than myself, but tonight isn't about who I am. To kick this off, the first person that we wish to recognize is no other than my beautiful girlfriend Kali Alarie." He paused for a bit and glanced at me.

"I'm not being bias here at all, just so you know." Everyone laughed, I did too.

"Kali is a medical scientist who had cured my mom of cancer, of course there were ups and downs but even so she still went through with it despite everything against her. It's been a hard few years but nonetheless she deserves to be recognized for how big of an impact she's had on people. So Kali, join me on stage."

He came off the stage and walked over to me, he put his hand out for me to take it so I did.

We went on the stage, everyone clapped.

I like the praise but this was on another level, Kieran handed me the mic. He kept his hand on my lower back, "sorry for putting you on the spot like this little devil." He whispered and brushed his lips over my ear

"Hello everyone, I would've prepared a speech in advance if I knew but I guess I'll just have to say it off the top of my head."

"I started out not knowing what in the world I was doing actually, one day I just decided that I wanted to figure out some way to help people. I didn't think of going into the medical field but it paid off, developing such medication..I was doubted a lot. One because people believed it wouldn't work, and second it's because I'm a woman and you know how that goes. But honestly, as cheesy as it'll sound I wouldn't have been able to get this medication out there if it weren't for the Hyde's, Especially Anne, Kieran and how can I forget the little girl who cheered me on? Come up here Elise"

Elise sprung from her chair and ran up, I lifted her up and had her on my hip. She grabbed the mic from my hand, "I just wanna say my mom is the best, you all suck!" Kieran took the mic away from her, I laughed and she did too. Kieran let a chuckle slip, this is as happy as I can be.

Kieran continued speaking a bit, I looked around and spotted four people in the middle table.

My family.

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