Chapter 47

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Rachel finally knows enough about the base and agency to take it down. She has memorised the structure of the building and has decided to use explosives. She enters the training room with the group of men for her daily training session. But today, she's not going to let them beat her and instead she's gonna beat them and destroy this place.

She continues as she normally would, submissive and obedient. She takes hits from each of the men, reluctantly allowing them to give her more bruises. When she realises that they are getting tired, she takes the opportunity. The man in front of her throws a punch at her and instead of her taking the hit, she avoids it. She uses his surprise to her advantage and swings her leg underneath his legs, knocking him on his back. Before he recovers, she punches him in the face and he lies unconscious while the rest of the men charge towards her.

She stands straight and takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the group of men coming towards her. She kicks the first in the abdomen, knocking him off balance before attacking another. She throws punches and kicks at each man while doing her best to avoid their attempts to attack her.

Eventually, all men are unconscious and she takes some deep breaths before her eyes land on the bracelet. She stares at it as she reminds herself that she can't endure as much as usual she can because of this bracelet. She doesn't think about it for long as she rushes out of the room and makes her way to the inventory.

She reaches the inventory without bumping into any other agents. She grabs a small rucksack and throws the necessary amount of explosives along with the detonator. She quickly closes the bag and throws it over her shoulder as she runs back out into the hallway. She sprints to the closest point that she need to place an explosive but when she turns a corner she sees a group of agents. They all look at her before realising who she is and that she shouldn't be here.

She does her best to defend herself and continue her plan to destroy the agency. One of the agents manages to shove her into the wall and she falls to the floor with a groan. She looks up to see him preparing to kick her so she rolls away, causing him to kick the wall instead. She uses all her force to kick him back and he hits his head, collapsing to the ground unconscious. Rachel climbs to her feet and attacks the rest of the agents. One agent pulls a knife from his belt and swings towards her, she avoids his attempts until he bends to the floor and swipes the blade across her leg. She cries in pain before kicking the agent in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Rachel places all the explosives while avoiding as many agents as she possibly could. She sprints, with a limp through the hallways towards the exit with the detonator in her hand. When she activates it, the explosives will go off in 30 seconds. However, when she rounds a corner she feels electricity course through her and she collapses to the floor.

She looks up to see the mistress standing in front of her with a taser in her hand. Rachel convulses on the ground as the electricity continues to flow through her. The mistress kneels beside Rachel's head and takes the detonator from her hand as she shakes and feels helpless, just like she did as a teenager. This feeling of helplessness causes Rachel to feel even more rageful towards the woman standing in front of her and it only fuels her determination.

The mistress stands and strolls around Rachel as she slowly starts to convulse less and she glances at the bracelet. She watches it fall from her wrist when the electricity causes it to malfunction and she feels the rush of energy surge through her. She briefly sighs in relief before her entire body tenses at the electricity. The clicking of the mistress' heels infuriates Rachel as she circles her like a predator circling its prey. Rachel manages to stand to her feet but her body still tenses and untenses.

"You have ruined my life. You took me from my home and from my family. You had my parents killed in front of me. You experimented on me. You tortured me. You gave me a life I never wanted" Rachel lists and her anger increases with each thing that she lists to the mistress. The mistress only stares at her as she lists these things. She knows what she's done to Rachel and she doesn't care. Rachel was her first and only successful experimentation.

"Did you really think I'd forget all of it and let you get away with it?" Rachel questions, wanting any kind of reaction from the mistress, the woman who caused all her pain. When Rachel's body tenses again, the mistress uses this and pushes her back to the floor. She stares down to Rachel as if she's the same petrified 16 year old girl she met all those years ago. "If I'm going down. you're coming with me. You'll never see your precious captain again" the mistress spits and raises her hand, holding the detonator. She activates it and Rachel becomes hyper vigilant of her 30 second count down.

At the mention of Steve, she knows that she will get out because she promised Steve she'll be home. During her new found determination to return home to Steve, she sends a surge of energy at the mistress and she's thrown against the wall. She climbs to her feet and looks down at the unconscious mistress before darting to the exit, aware that she's running out of time.

She sprints through the hallways, thankful that she doesn't run into anymore agents on her way. She sees the exit after taking a left turn and feels relieved to see it but doesn't slow down at all. She knows the explosives will go off any second now and can only hope she gets out in time. But just as she reaches the door, the explosives go off and she's sent through the door.

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