Chapter 2

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"What was that?" I asked as Jun shut the door to our bedroom. I hadn't even looked around the room before snapping to him.

"Code words Makio, you're really tense. I promise you you're okay." He said holding up a hand before locking the door behind him.

"You could have warned me, he looked like he was ready to attack us, did you see his eyes?" I asked because they had nearly been black.

"Yes I did, that's another one of Chunami's brothers. They all have those eyes." He stated in a cool voice. "It's a family trait."

"That's her brother? What is he doing with a hotel?" I asked feeling my chest tighten up.

"This isn't really a hotel, it's a base of operations for outside missions. They have a few rooms to rent out to Temporal's so that no one questions the business, but anytime we've left the temple for a mission and needed to come in the area we come here." He explained. "This is a safe house for us, we have one in every major city."

"Are you sure?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes Makio, this is safe. There's an employee who will walk the halls constantly, we have several Elite watching the area, you are about as safe as can be without taking you to the Meishu Tombs." He said placing our bags down on the end of the bed.

He walked over to the windows and shut all the curtains before turning back to me who was about sick to my stomach. I was breathing heavily and shaking as I held my own hands in fear.

"There's a shower in there, why don't you go shower and change before we settle down. You're practically as white as a ghost." He pointed out.

I wanted to argue with him, but I was just stuck in place. I turned to look towards the showers, but I didn't know what to say. I let out a shaky breath before turning to the bathrooms with a huff. I shut the door almost pressing it shut to make sure before turning around.

I turned on the light and saw it was a small but nice bathroom. Compared to the inn Yami and I stayed at this was considerably nicer. I could see the bathroom alone was fancier than before. I felt ill even thinking of Yami, but the last time I was away from the temple and staying somewhere where I wasn't familiar, I was with him. We were strangers then but it made me sick thinking about how I had still trusted him to share a bed when he had known so much more on me than I had realized.

I flipped on the shower and got the hot water running. I could feel it was warm which was unexpected but honestly a relief. Maybe it could relax me more than I was right now. I quickly undressed and got in letting the warm water wash over me.

I hadn't felt dirty or anything but I still washed off and rinsed my body. It was a menial task and sort of unnecessary, but it was distracting. I tried to reassure myself that Jun said everything was safe, but something in me just felt off.

Perhaps I had grown used to the comfort of the Temple and being around so many others. Even though I was hardly safe for most of my stay there I at least had the illusion I was for the most part up until the end. I hated crowds and busy places, but nothing bad could happen if there was so many people around and someone was trying to be sneaky. Out in the open was where I was safest before.

Even if it wasn't home I was familiar there. I knew where I was and the people that I was around. Now I was in a whole new city with people I didn't know and I was scared. I was out of my element and I didn't like it. I wasn't used to being so far from home and what was even scarier was that the Temple of Yabune wasn't home, but it was the closest thing to it.

I shut off the water knowing my mind wasn't going to let me rest in here, it would only wander further. I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself up tightly. I dried my hair and pulled it back behind me once it was only damp. I grabbed a robe that was on the back of the door and wrapped myself up before stepping out into the room. I could see the room was a small room, but not as small as our rooms at the Temple.

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