Chapter 41

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•Jun's POV•

We hadn't sat long before the inevitable happened.

We got the call out and we had to launch into action. A little over half of their forces had entered the temples surrounding area. We had a formation set up to protect the temple and use it as a base to get those hurt to safety. Though we had our stronger people further away from the temple that just helped slow down our enemies.

We started to attack around halfway through their approach and we slowed them down by a bunch. I couldn't see much, but the occasional flashing light in all varying colors signified a fight. I hadn't woken thinking this was how my morning would be spent but I had no choice but to be ready. Makio and I lunged into the fight as soon as we got the signal. Her bright blue light was surely a beacon for anyone near by. They would know which of these heavily covered and masked people was her.

I kept that in mind and tried to handle people before they could attack her which was almost impossible in this harsh weather. She was knocking people over as if it was nothing and it was so foreign to me to see her in action with people that actually wanted to hurt her. My instincts told me to prevent them from even getting close to her but she was handling herself like a pro. I could see in her eyes she was focused and almost unfazed.

She was using every technique I had taught her and even though I couldn't see any of the men attacking her using dark magic she was way more powerful than any of them could handle. I watched her back and stayed fairly close to her but far enough away I couldn't get in her cross fire. I tired to keep my power calm because glowing too much like her might give away not only our position, but that I might be a pure blood as well. Yami at least knew my powers weren't like that before.

I could see a lot of people coming our way but so far we weren't getting overwhelmed. Though just as I had that thought, someone rushed towards me and I could sense something was of. I saw a flash of dark light and I threw up my hand and a wall of golden light blocked it but he was only able to get closer. I pushed a wave of energy back but was hardly affected by it.

He grabbed my armor and tackled me to the floor. I pulled on my short knife and stabbed him at his side but I had no idea how much padding he had on so it may not have even penetrated that much.

"Jun!" I heard Makio scream as she held off a few men.

"I'm fine!" I shouted. "Focus on them!"

I jerked this guy to the side off of me as I was now prone in the snow. I stood up and pulled out my sword to attack him but he sent another blast of energy before I was ready for it. I went flying feeling a sharp pain in my leg but with how much adrenaline I had and how many layers I had on I had no idea what the damage was.

I had heard about dark magic but I was rare I saw it much less in combat. I'm not sure I'd ever faced a real enemy using it, I was used to a contained environment. Only ever people who didn't want to hurt me, no was different.

He started to move and I could tell he was charging up for another attack. I ran at him but a giant wave of blue light sent him flying well out of my vision. I turned to see Makio fully focused on me. I could see a spray of bodies around her and more men coming up behind her. I jumped forward and swung on two of them and let the other one go for her.

"You shouldn't have done that!" I called out to her knowing she was now taking in extra men.

"You were about to get hit!" She yelled back in-between attacks.

"Pay attention to your surroundings! Let me handle them!" I shouted at her not wanting her to take on more than she had to.

"I am paying attention!" She argued and I knew she was right but I wanted her focused on them not me.

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