Chapter 23

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"I'm sorry but the train schedule is what it is. The last train for Nabari left last night. There won't be another until the weekend." The ticket salesman said and I was getting frustrated but I knew there wasn't a thing I could do.

"What about Itsuki?" I asked getting desperate.

"There's a speed train next Friday." He offered but his tone told me he knew that wouldn't please me.

"What do you have that goes out today?" I asked frustratedly.

"There's a speed train that should be here tonight that should go to Nobaru, one in the morning that goes to Fukushima, one tomorrow evening that goes to Kaga, and one that should be here within the hour to go to Hakuba." He said and my ears perked right up.

"I'll take Hakuba." I said snapping up right because that was perfect.

"Where are you traveling with such urgency and no location?" He asked me clearly seeing I was desperate.

"I just need to get home." I said shaking my head.

"Do you have documents?" He asked and my shoulders dropped forgetting about the travel restrictions.

"No. Nothing." I said with defeat. I didn't even have the energy to make up a lie or excuse.

"These traveling rules are not new. You need something to validate your travel. There's a town hall just down the-"

"I can't do that." I said with a sigh and I looked behind me at the growing line that was forming behind me. I leant forward towards the window and let out sigh. "I'm running away from my boyfriend. He hurt me and I need to get home to my family. He'll be looking for me any minute now so I need the first train out of here. I don't care where it's going or how much it costs."

"I at least need your ID card to give you a ticket. You could be a criminal for all I know." He said looking defeated himself.

"I'm 18, I'm not a criminal, I'm scared." I said flatly. "I don't mean to be harsh but I will find my way onto that train whether I have a ticket or not."

The man gave me an off look and I saw him peer around me. He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. He flipped through some papers and I saw him fiddle with a stamp. He slammed it down on the ticket and clipped it.

"You better not be lying." He said as he held out a singular ticket for me.

"Thank you." I said handing him the cost of the ticket plus more. "You just saved my life."

I had taken some cash with me when I left home and I was just now using the last of it. I kept a small portion just incase I needed anything between now and when I got back but I gave the rest to him. Money was of no use to me most of the time so I was glad to get rid of it. I walked away and shoved the ticket in my pocket.

I knew once the train got to the station in Hakuba I just needed to get up the mountain. Yabune was not supposed to be where I returned to, but it would be a safe enough place. They could help me get home and I could tell them of what I learned. I saw the busy station and tried to find an empty corner to sit in.

I worried about my leg and what would happen during the ride over. Once I had gotten back into town I had to find my way around because I had never seen it before. I cleaned myself off in a public restroom and wrapped myself up as best as I could with what little I had. I knew if I looked a mess I'd gather some attention I didn't want.

I tried to make myself appear as normal as possible and not like I hadn't just been stabbed and brought down a building in flames. I smelt like ash and soot from my previous engagement. I had done a pretty good job of cleaning myself up, but if anyone looked too long I could tell someone would notice.

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