Chapter 33

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I ended up going to the main area where everyone was being kept. I found Ollie, Akira, and Goro and sat with them and thankfully they didn't question it. They weren't around when I had passed out before so I was able to just join them for the ride.

I definitely didn't like the rocking boat because it made my stomach churn. I could tell everyone except the people from Ebisu were feeling it. They would take boats up and down the river all the time so they had their sea legs more than the rest of us.

Thankfully time flew by because Ollie was high energy and kept us all entertained. We got fastened up with our bags and gear in the main area as they passed around supplies. I tightened up my boots and then I threw the large sack over my back. I was about to go tighten my straps in the front but a pair of hands started to do them for me.

I looked up and saw Jun already carrying a bag himself. His eyes were fixed on my straps as I actively stared him down. I wanted to argue but our friends were around and I didn't want to make a scene.

"Alright! Up on the main deck!" Riku shouted from the door way.

We all looked to him and the once loud room was filled with only shuffles. We all knew we were going into a stealth mission. We needed to make sure we went unnoticed as we went up the mountain. I was nervous about meeting Luna again but Riku and Chunami assured me that she'd have an inkling we'd be coming. Meishu's did know things we don't but convincing her of my plan was going to be a challenge.

We went up to the top deck and I could see they had a long walkway leading down to the snowy forest we docked along side. I could feel the cold temperature cut right through my clothes as we walked out from the warm boat. I saw the others shiver in reaction as we all made our way down to the main land. I walked up to Riku and Chunami who stood at the front of the pack. They looked to me expectingly and I felt a lot of eyes on me in this moment.

"It's getting dark very soon and I suggest we don't get caught in the mountains at nighttime. Keep your eyes, ears, and senses about you. We don't think we're being followed but we cannot assume." Chunami said not looking happy about the cold at all.

"The hike is about 2 hours from here so stay close and don't get left behind. This mountain and it's weather is unforgiving, the slightest slip or fall could be your life!" Riku chanted. "Let's move out!"

We followed behind them and the rest of everyone as behind me. I could hear Jun and Siena talking over a map as we stomped along. I walked in silence knowing we had hours to talk and I didn't want to exhaust myself now for no reason. Akira and Ollie walked behind me and they were chatting it up. They of course were very into each other but neither wanted to admit it but I guess now wasn't the time to call it out.

Goro walked at my side in silence as well which I appreciated. I had grown to understand his one painful silence was not as awkward as I thought. It was comforting knowing we could just sit in silence and not talk. I struggled to keep up with him and the others because my legs were much shorter than there's were and I still had a fresh wound healing on my thigh.

It didn't hurt much until we started hiking up and incline did it really start to bother me. I was breathing heavier but I was trying to keep it to myself. Goro noticed but didn't say anything. He reached around and took one of the heavier items strapped onto my bag and strapped it onto his. I wanted to assure him I had it but I really didn't.

"Thank you." I said quietly under my breath.

"About half an hour left." He stated and I smiled hardly able to feel my face. I was freezing cold and I wanted to just stop and catch my breath but I knew there was no point in stopping now.

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