Chapter 40

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We hardly took a minute to dress ourselves in full winter gear before running through the halls which seemed so calm. No one was surely awake aside from us and whoever was in this court room. If it was who I almost knew it had to be then everyone needed to be woken up. If he was here then this meant our time was short.

I rushed up the stairs and I looked to Jun as we shared a look that just said we needed to be ready. I could see the anger in his eyes knowing who was likely going to be in this side of the door. I walked in and the first thing I saw was Auriel holding Yami tight in his grip as he was blindfolded. Chunami and Siena looked tired and pissed off but who could blame them. This was who killed Chunami's brother and Siena's class mates.

I walked forward and I knew everyone was watching me. I looked to see Luna with a look of distaste on her face and for once I knew it wasn't for me. I stopped a foot or two in front of Yami and I grabbed the blue cloth that had been covering his eyes. I pulled it away and his eyes were already there waiting for me. I stared at him and he stared back and the room fell even more silent for a moment.

"I suggest you start to wake the others." I said looking to Luna and she only looked more displeased than usual though this time I knew it wasn't towards me.

She looked to Hunter and Asuna at her side and they quickly scurried off out of the room and I looked to Yami again. Something in his face had changed but it wasn't his expression. His face had changed, he looked older and tired, not by much but enough to notice in the few weeks it had been since I had last seen him.

"You can let go of him. He won't try anything." I said confidently because he knew I wouldn't let him hurt the others. If he was going to hurt anyone I would get in the way. Not to mention he was out numbered and overpowered between all of us in the room. "You've traveled a long way to end up in this room so I suggest you speak before we start a fight."

"We didn't come to fight." He said looking around the room at everyone.

"I'll ask you the same question I asked Han. How many men do you have? How many weapons did you bring?" I asked and he was rather quiet. "You came to fight."

"We came for you." He said flatly as he looked at me.

"I won't go with you. I think I've made that clear." I said emptily.

"What you saw at Bishamon was a result of Rin... Han is focused- he's better equipped to see this out." He said weakly as he explained. "I know you don't want to see it for what it is but I'm telling you the truth."

"See what out?" I asked.

"To see to see a new empire rise. The gods have spoken to him and have asked him to over throw the current rulers." Yami explained and I saw Jun just glaring him down.

"Is that so?" I asked harshly.

"I know so, I wouldn't lie to you. Maybe to them but not to you." He said looking at the people around the room.

"He's lying the gods have asked me to stop him." I stated looking right at Yami.

"I'm telling the truth. They've said the Temples have strewn from their ways and have lost their core values. In the past they wouldn't even allow outsiders. Pure bloods were once the only race allowed to train here at the temple. We've lost control and it's time we restart Makio. Tell me you understand that." Yami said talking to me like I was the only person in the room.

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