Chapter 13

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The next few days were tense for everyone even though they didn't know what was going on. Finals had put a damper on everyone's mood and had everyone stressed. I was worried about them too but I had quite a bit more on my mind then just the exams.

Jun and I lived in a lot of silence. Unless we were studying or practicing we didn't talk much. We shared a bed but I had slept with my back to him every night since he shut me down. We both completely just shut down on each other and it was upsetting because we had just gotten so much closer. I didn't want to hold a grudge but he wouldn't even listen to me.

I tried to keep myself busy with exams and it caused me to lose out in even more sleep. I stayed up late and got up early and did so without speaking to Jun. Currently we were sat in our room and he was going through telekinetic drills and I was thankful these skills didn't require talking. We had our combat finals and studies finals yesterday and our abilities test was tomorrow.

I was currently using a book to utilize my skills. I had to hold and move objects without actually touching them. I had to use my powers to do so and it wasn't my strong suit. I had my eyes closed and my breathing was steady. I was mostly focused but I definitely was bothered. It was making it difficult to keep up my skills and I knew Jun was getting frustrated with me. Normally I had no problem, but I definitely wasn't at my best.

"Hold it Makio." He said softly.

"I am." I said in a flat tone.

"You're wavering." He pointed out.

"I'm trying." I said getting irritated.

"Exams are tomorrow, you never have a problem with this." He said clearly not understanding I had been worked to a pulp with all this studying.

"I know. I'm trying." I said in a snippy tone and he got quiet.

I tried to focus again with the quiet in the room, but the silence was frankly louder than him. I took a deep breath and I heard the book I had been trying to lift drop to the table, but I immediately picked it back up. I felt a pain in my temple and I knew it wasn't happening.

"Makio stop." He said cutting me off.

"I'm going on a walk." I said abruptly standing up from my chair.

"What's going on with you today?" He asked me in an edgy tone.

"I'm on edge Jun." I said as if it should have been obvious.

"I can see that." He said looking at me as I had stood up from the table. "Talk to me."

"I did try and talk to you." I retorted.

"Not about that Makio, what's going on with you?" He asked and I felt my fuse pop.

"That." I said throwing up my hands and walking over to my armoire and opening it to find a pair of shoes.

"Come on, don't leave." He said and I heard him getting up and walking over.

He was at my side and pulling the shoes out of my hand. I looked at him with a stolid face as he put them back and shut the door to my dresser. I took a deep breath as he pulled my hand softly off to the side. He took a couple steps backwards and leant against my bed frame though I hadn't actually slept in it for quite a while despite our silent treatment.

"Let's talk." He said with a huff.

"I tried talking and I was shut down Jun." I said wanting to pull my hands back.

"I shut you down because I don't want you putting yourself in danger." He said as his thumb traced over mine.

"So you shut me up and expect me to live like that? Your probably the one person I thought would even take what I have to say seriously and you shut it down before I could even get more than a few words in." I pointed out.

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