Chapter 43

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I felt a thick wool blanket on me and a fire crackled nearby. I lifted my head and found myself on a cot in a room I didn't immediately recognize. There was a fire pit just in front of me and a few other beds. I could see a few others on them also passed out and sleeping and nurses were in the distance. It was a fairly full room bustling with people but it was rather quiet.

I went to go sit up but I felt a sharp pain in my side and I stayed put. I felt a hand on my hip and Jun walked around. I knew he had stayed back and been safe but I relaxed as I saw him. He grabbed a stool that was closer to the fire and dragged it over to my bedside. He sat down and my hand went to his when he cupped my cheek.

"We have the same blood type you know." He said as he looked down at me.

"What?" I asked heard the coarse sound of my own voice.

"You needed blood and we have a compatible blood type." He said brushing over my hair softly.  "You lost a ridiculous amount of blood so you needed a transfusion."

"Did Yami bring me back?" I asked slowly putting what happened together.

"Yes. He was in rough shape too from what I could see. Whatever you did, did a pretty good number on him and the others." Jun stated.

"Are they gone?" I asked in a horse voice.

"They're gone, Riku and Siena are following them to make sure they run into the others on the way back." He assured me telling I was worried.

"I did it?" I asked weakly.

"Yes, you did. I'm proud of you." He said kissing my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, cold. What happened? I just remember Yami carrying me up the mountain after I fought my brother." I asked him. "I know I exploded but it's all blurry."

"He just brought you to us and said you were hurt. You fought your brother?" Jun asked looking shocked.

"Yeah, he was trying to hurt me but Yami distracted him and I was able to get him off." I said rubbing my face.

"Was he trying to hurt you or kill you?" Jun asked.

"I don't know, he was in this rage." I said shaking my head seeing him freak out on me in my head. "He just lost it."

"God." He said with a huff as he pressed his forehead to my own.

"What?" I asked.

"You're going to give me grey hair." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Listen, at least I keep you on your toes." I said with a slight laugh but my laugh turned into a wheeze as I felt a pain in my side.

"Woah, be careful. You took a nasty blow." He said looking toward my mid section where I had been stabbed.

"I got stabbed right?" I asked trying to lift my head to look down.

"Yes, a Wisteria embedded knife according to Yami." Jun said softly.

"My brother did it." I said remembering the pain. "Yami tore it out."

"I know we heard your screams." He said and his eyes turned down.

"I'm okay right?" I asked worried about my injuries and my lack of breath.

"Yeah, the worst of it's over. You're going to be slow for the next couple of days while you heal but I'll make sure you get some extra energy. You did good, you kept most everyone safe." Jun said with a soft smile.

"Most?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah. We lost a few." He said with a sigh.

"It wasn't anyone I know right?" I asked worriedly.

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