Chapter 32

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We were dressed as warmly as we could as we all sailed north along the coast. We stayed far enough away so that they wouldn't be able to see the ship if they had been looking. We had most everyone stay below deck and about a dozen of us stayed above. I was looking over the edge as Riku and Jun spoke near the front of the boat.

Chunami and Siena were sat near the back and I could see Chunami was upset. Without even speaking to her I knew it was because she was upset about Minoru. The next time she saw him he was going to be a Meishu. It didn't take a rocket scientist to do the math. Being a Meishu reduced your life span drastically.

The longest a Meishu's ever lived was 30 years and that was someone who was taken on at only 20. It essentially cuts your life to a third of what you would otherwise have. Minoru was in his late 30's and Chunami was probably around 30 as well. She was already going to likely live longer than him. Now she maybe had 20 or so years with him at best. She was going to lose him long before she'd pass herself and that was heart breaking.

With how much she gave me a hard time I wanted to not feel bad, but I couldn't help it. She was very clearly in love, as was he. They were now on an even shorter timer that was going to start ticking faster. If I was in her place I'd be a mess surely.

I watched as the waves went by and my stomach turned as each rock mixed my breakfast up. I rarely traveled by seas but I was quickly reminded why I had avoided it up until now. I did not have sea legs out here and I knew it. I was praying for our destination to get closer.

I rubbed my face feeling my eyes get heavy. Though I slept well sleep did not leave me fulfilled the way I hoped it would. I opened my eyes back up and were I expected to see ocean, I saw blackness. I flipped around and saw the same thing in a full 360 around myself. I felt my body and I still had on the same clothes.

I looked around again and I could see the faint outline of a door. I hesitantly walked towards it and my hand felt the cold metal knob. I placed my ear to it and I could hear crying on the other side of it. It wasn't human crying or least not from what I could here but it also didn't sound animalistic. I slowly opened the door and I saw light hit me in the face.

I peaked inside and I saw a woman with long black hair with curly ringlets in a hospital bed. There was no doctors but she was her holding what appeared to be a baby. The baby cried softly, but the woman who I was assuming was it's mother didn't look bothered. She pet the few hairs on the top of its head as she smiled down up on the baby. I slowly opened the door the rest of the way and she didn't seem to notice so I wondered if she could even see me.

I walked inside and got closer and two things became painfully obvious as I got to her bed side. She had a small white squiggly line on the top of her wrist. As the baby cried and flailed in her arms I could see the same line she had. My hand flew to my forehead as words were practically chanted into my head.

Kagome Togashuru

The name rang a bell but I couldn't put my tongue on it. I however was distracted anyways as I looked up to see my brother coming in the room. I was taken back by his appearance because he clearly had become a Meishu. He has that white glowing aura they all seemed to have and eyes that stuck out.

His eyes were white and his hair almost seemed whiter as well. He also had scaring on one side of his body almost like burn scarring. I figured it might have been from the attack on Bishamon but they were mostly healed. I supposed with the powers and strength he had he could have healed faster than most.

"Kagome." My brother said and I realized he was speaking with his voice like Rin and unlike the other Meishu's.

"Han." She said with a smile on her face.

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