Chapter 45

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I was sat on my knees sitting almost knee to knee up to the edge of the fountain. We all crowded around the fountain and each of the Masters were in the water excluding Riku. He stood by looking solemn but stolid in his stature. Chunami was in her white ceremonial robes and was visibly upset as she stood there.

I don't know who convinced her or what they said to get her to agree to letting Minoru do this but they had clearly succeeded. I watched as the three Masters circled around Minoru who was lying flat. Each golden drop from the ceiling hit his forehead and his white aura almost pulsed with it.

Each drop sent a ring of water out from the center with so much power it was causing the fountain to splash just a little with each ring. Every 3 seconds or so a bit of water would overflow onto the ground.

I watched in fascination as the golden drips of liquid turned into a stream and the water started to vibrate evenly across the whole fountain. Though were feeling it, it looked like water going through an earthquake. It was raising my heart rate as I watched and I was nervous for something I didn't understand.

I heard a low hum and I could see the others heard it as well. Most looked confused but the students who were local to Yabune looked unaffected. They had likely just seen this a few months ago when Uba was taken in after Daigo had passed.

I saw Minoru sink under the water and I felt my chest flutter. My body wanted to start hyperventilating but I resisted it as much as I could. I felt a hand place on my knee but I didn't even turn to look though I knew it was Jun. I knew this sensation was, I could feel the Gods.

I was overwhelmed with their power and I seemed to be the only one feeling it. I could feel tears welling in my eyes making it all the much harder to see. I blinked and in that millisecond I saw a flash of something, a place. I couldn't make out much but it was green, somewhere with grass. I placed a hand on my chest to try and regulate my breathing but with another blink came another image, a dark cave or cavern.

I was shaking now and the water in front of us was jumping up and down like a frog. Each peak rising a few inches in the air and plopping back down. Another blink came and I saw my brother standing next to me looking blank but it was gone as quick as it came. I felt multiple hands on my shoulder and I knew it was swaying back and fourth but I could heard anything or see straight.

The prophecy.

I heard a foreign voice speak and I was confused. I tried to curl forward and I only felt hands catch me from falling face first into the ground. I hung limply as I was pulled on by my clothes and limbs.

This is not the end

I heard the same voice speak and I felt myself whimper. I could heard all sorts of muffled and mushed together voices going on. Like people were talking to me in every direction. It was overwhelming and my body was doing anything but handling it.

There are more. Find them. They're close.

I saw the ceiling suddenly and I could only see the golden drips from the ceiling. I watched the stream turn back into drops signaling that the ceremony had likely ended but I was still clinging to consciousness.

Balance, remember the balance!

I heard the voice shout so loud it pierced my ears. I flinched but suddenly I had my vision and hearing back and I heard murmurs around me and my face shot straight forward towards Jun who was straddling my body.

"Makio snap out of it." Jun said shaking me and my hands grabbed his arm to tell him to stop but no words came out.

I looked around frantically at everyone including the Master and now Meishu looking at me with worried eyes. I saw Goro and Suni on one side and Akira on the other. I looked up and saw I was laid back against Ollie who looked as pale as his olive skin could look.

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