Chapter 3

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The next morning we both got onto the train that would take us to Nabari. My stomach was in large knots and I was struggling to feel fully awake. I noticed Jun appeared to be tired as well. I had likely been responsible for that because of my middle of the night antics. Though I had woken up this morning to find him fast asleep next to me so he at least got some sleep after that.

We had remained fairly quiet throughout the train ride, but we didn't have the luxury of having our own private cabin this time. Jun and I shared a seat in an open hallway. People passed by but no one seemed to pay much mind to us. My roots had grown out and I knew they'd draw attention so I had a beanie on my head though it was hardly the temperature for such wear.

I had grown impatient on the train until I started to see us pass over large bodies of water. I could tell we were getting close because there was a large river that lead into the city which was placed in between two mountains. Jun had told me it was a water village and that this temple was placed in the base of a mountain. Almost as if to stay hidden from the near by villages.

The journey from the train to the temple was quite an odd one. We had to go down to the water front of the city and get on a small gondola in the canal. From there they would have to take us out into the forest and from there we had a short hike to the Temple. While I wasn't thrilled about this hike, I was ready to stop traveling and get to a temple.

As we walked off the train and through the city it was quite breathtaking. It was a gorgeous city, almost Royal looking. It had a lot of Germanic touches as well as nice pillared buildings. People looked healthy and happy as the sun beat down keeping them and myself quite warm.

We got on the gondola after Jun had a short conversation with an older man. He moved quite slow but he seemed to be more talkative than anything. Jun humored him and seemed to be all smiles as the man spoke to him.

As Jun and I rode in silence as the man who pushed the boat hummed softly to himself. He seemed happy as he steered along as we all looked to the city we passed. I could see many people bustling around the city while it wasn't busy like Chiba it was definitely a popular place.

It was nice and warm and I could feel the sun beating down on me pretty hard. It was definitely much different from Hakuba where the mountains were cool and the sun was not even visible through the ever present clouds. Hakuba wasn't even that far away, but the temperature was much different. Though I think with how high up the city was it was bound to be cold.

Once we left the city the canal narrowed and we were surrounded by what appeared to be a forest. A few houses could be seen along the way, but they just looked like small finishing huts. Jun looked relaxed and I tried to do the same. It was a nice boat ride, but I couldn't help but be a little nervous going into a new place like this.

The man soon docked the gondola at a small dock that hardly looked stable. The man tied up the boat and looked to me and Jun with a confused expression.

"You sure you two want to be dropped off here? Not much around these parts." He stated.

"Yes sir, my aunts hunting cabin isn't far from here, thank you again." Jun said handing the man a payment.

I went to go step up in the dock but a hand was outstretched to me. I looked up to see the man offering a hand to me and I took it, but not without hesitation. I stepped up feeling the wobble of the boat behind me. I let go of his hand and turned to Jun who had just put his bag over his shoulder.

"Ready?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and grabbed his elbow. I heard the chuckle of the man behind us and by the time I had turnover around to look at him he was pushing the gondola away and back towards the way he had come. I looked up to Jun and I saw a small smile.

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