Chapter 14

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I pushed the window open just as I had remembered watching Jun do it all those weeks ago. It was a small nook in the library that was more of a closet than anything else. Through it was a window that was easily opened and was the one other exit from the temple that was surrounded by a ward and guards at all times. Part of me wondered how this window didn't alert anyone that I was leaving, but too be fair Midori seemed to know what I was supposed to do so I don't think he'd stop me.

I had dodged any and all guards with ease so crawling out this window was hardly a hard task. I knew no one was outside of these walls from the Temple so I was able to walk through the waterfront without a worry. Anyone who could see me would be looking through a window. By the time anyone could even send for me I would be gone.

Not to mentioned the tree cover was heavy so the likelihood of being seen was slim. Frankly, I doubt anyone was even looking through the windows at this hour of night. Jun was surely fast asleep and I had made sure of it before I slipped out. Few had better sense than he did so I had to be dead silent.

I pushed that thought behind me as I walked down the beach and towards the dock I had come in through what felt like forever ago. I used the small glow stone Jun had to guide me. Part of me felt guilty for taking it, but I knew I would bring it back. I promised myself that I would.

I saw the dock in the distance and it looked much the same as I remembered it. I neared closer and as I walked down it I heard the creaking of the wood under my feet. The river felt quite calm around me despite how much the water levels had been changing recently with the dry season. I took a shaky breath and not a second later I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I took a deep inhale and exhaled quite audibly.

"I hope you don't think you can sneak up on me." I said out loud wrapping my arms around my waist. I could feel myself shaking despite it being quite warm outside.

"I hadn't even made a noise." I heard a very familiar voice say behind me, but my eyes stay trained forward. "Your skills have gotten better."

"Training will do that." I said exhaling shakily. "That and some paranoia."

"I can see that." He said with a sigh. "Wanna tell me, how you knew I'd be here?"

"I didn't." I said which was partially true. I quite literally was following my gut. I had left the temple and just trusted my instincts, something I didn't like to do.

"I doubt that." I heard him retort softly.

"I have my ways." I said sharply. "I could sense you a mile away."

"It's been a long time, my love." I heard him say and I was instantly repulsed.

"Love." I said with a slight chuckle. "That's bold, even for you."

"I made mistakes." He said flatly.

"Yeah, you did." I said bitterly.

"If you're so upset about it, then why are you here?" He asked me and I bit my lip.

"Because I have questions." I said in an angry tone.

"You came here alone, unarmed, and with a bag over your shoulder. You didn't come to talk, you look ready to leave." He said and I took a deep breath knowing he was standing right behind me. "Kumiko."

"Don't call me that." I said sharply snapping around to see him.

There stood Yami with black robes and even longer hair than I remembered him with. It was to his shoulders now and half of it was pulled back while a few stray hairs hung around his face. He looked even bigger than he had in the what- 3 or 4 months since I last saw him? I had lost track of the time a while ago.

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