Chapter 29

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"Makio!" I heard from across the courtyard.

I was walking to the library to meet Jun but a familiar voice pulled me from my track. I stopped and turned my head towards the main entrance of the temple and I saw 3 figures who stood out amongst the crowd of people.

Ollie, Akira, and Goro all were smiling, even Goro, as they walked right over this way. Even with my leg which was still wrapped up and very much in pain still I ran right to them smiling from ear to ear.

"Guys." I said nearly jumping into Ollie and Akira who stood in front. I wrapped an around around each of their necks and I felt their arms wrap around me.

"I thought I was never going to see you again!" Ollie said as his arm hooked around my mid bad.

I felt Akiras small hand hook around me for just a moment as we all laughed in joy. I was so exited the instant they pulled away I just about jumped into Goro. Despite being a tall and lanky dude he didn't even budge whenever I jumped into him hooking my arms around his neck. He was stiff for a moment but he eventually hugged me tightly before setting me back down on the ground.

"I'm so happy you all are here, I wasn't sure who was going to be coming back with Minoru." I said because the selection process was up to Midori

"They initially only wanted Elite level students, but someone here threw a fit." Akari said eyeing Ollie.

"Of course I did! Did you think I was going to pass up seeing Makio? It's been nearly 5 months since I last saw her." He said throwing his hands up in a dramatic fashion.

"I'm so glad you all are here." I said truly meaning that from the bottom of my heart. "Where's Suni?"

"Suni still hasn't been medically released to train back to normal yet. She threw a fit when we all left." Ollie said with a disappointed tone.

"She's still banged up?" I asked in shock because that had been months ago.

"Mostly her head. Doctors just scared she'll hit it again and make it worse." Ollie said I could see he was bothered. "But listen she's fine, just upset she couldn't be here but she'll be ready for the big fight in a few weeks. I'm just glad we're all here, I never thought I'd be able to see another temple."

"Well you'll get to see another one in a few days, I'm assuming Riku told you what was happening." I said.

"He did, what I'm more concerned about is how dangerous this could be." Akira said as she crossed her arms and a worried expression spread across her face. "You disappeared for like 5 months into the enemies laps and now you want to go back in their eye sight. They're dangerous Makio, not even just for us but for you. Dark Magic can make them insanely leathal."

"I know who we're dealing with." I said knowing they three were looking to me probably feeling scared and worried. "I won't say it's not risky, but their army isn't all that big. Not to mention less than half don't even have powers at all, just their fighting skills. We don't have a whole leg up but we have a head start and a solid game plan."

"I trust you Makio but I'm not sure everyone does. They're scared." Akari said and even though I knew she was on my side I appreciated that she was being honest with me. I knew everyone was wary with my plan but frankly I would be too if I was in their position.

"I'll protect everyone I can. I've been working tirelessly on this plan from the second I found out what their next moves were. We won't be blind going into this." I said honestly.

"We trust you Makio, everyone's just nervous. We've never had to do anything like this before." Akari said with worried eyes.

"I get that but they're coming for us one way or another. I just a matter of stopping them before they get ahead." I said trying to assure her.

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