Chapter 44

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"You're already packed?" I heard and I saw Jun coming into the room looking rather overdressed.

"I packed days ago, this is your bag." I said with a smile and he just shook his head and I noticed he didn't take off his coat after he had come in. "Why are you so dressed up."

"I would have thought being that you're packing your bag you'd figured that much out." He said walking over to the window which was still covered in ice and snow. "That and you and Ollie scurrying away from Luna's court might have given it away."

"Ollie runs slow that's not my fault." I said with a sigh.

"Right because it was definitely Ollie who's spent the last 3 weeks asking when we'd be leaving and reminding me every evening after dinner how badly they want to go home." He said crossing his arms.

"It wasn't every evening." I said with slouched shoulders.

"It was every evening." He said with a slow blink as he nodded his head.

"Is what Luna said true? Is the boat coming for us soon?" I asked knowing there had to be stars in my eyes.

"The boat docked an hour ago." He said smiling as he looked down at me.

"Really?" I asked running up to him and grabbing his hands.

"Stop jumping Makio. If you pop another stitch I think their nurses will hex you." He said and I just giggled.

I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his and took mine before I could walk a foot with it. I rushed towards the door but just as I went to grab the handle I realized he wasn't following. He was stood holding our bags and my coat in his hands.

"I don't know if you've looked out your window recently but there's kind of a big snow storm we've been in for the last month." He said with a huff. "Put on your coat. The last thing I need is you sick."

"It's going to take more than that to get me sick." I said walking over and taking my coat from him.

"You really do consider Ebisu home don't you?" He asked me as I put on my jacket.

"I do it just... it just feels like a home. Like I've always been there, that probably doesn't make sense." I said with a shrug as I did my buttons.

"It does. I've just always wondered why." He said with a small nod.

"I'm not sure, it's no different than any of the other temples. If anything Luna said this was the Qia families temple, if I have the mark of the Qia it would make sense that this feels like home, shouldn't it?" I proposed because when I thought about that's what should have made sense.

"I mean that's what makes sense, but if you have a gut feeling it is what it is. I'm just glad you'll be at peace." He said softly.

"Yeah." I said with a soft smile.

"We have to make a stop at Yabune to drop off the rest of the army but it'll just be a night. Minoru is due for his initiation ceremony but all the Masters have to be back for it." He explained.

"Of course." I said remembering waking from one of my many long sleeps after the battle to find out she had left us.

"After that we go home." He said petting the top of my head.

"Did you want to stay at Yabune? I mean it was your home for so long and I've done nothing but pull you away from it." I said looking up at him.

"I've known one place for 13 years of my life, I'd be insufferably bored if I didn't get out and live a little." He said and he sounded honest.

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