Chapter 21

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"Yami?" I asked sticking my head in the Armory.

I made the mistake of speaking before I saw who was in the room. I looking in to see Yami and Han both stood over a map. They looked frustrated, but my entrance caught both of their attention. Han looked instantly annoyed but Yami looked taken back.

"We can finish this later. I need to speak with my father about this anyways." Han said grumpily toward Yami.

He rolled up the map that was laid out in front of them in rough manner. He didn't wait for Yami to say anything, but I could see they had been having an intense conversation. Yami looked bothered, but he kept his mouth shut. Han took his map and walked towards me. He shouldered me as he walked out and I went to turn to follow him he was being a jerk.

"Makio." I heard Yami say and I looked back at him. "Come here."

I wanted to follow Han and call him out, but Yami had a point. Though he didn't say much I knew he would only tell me that following him wasn't worth my time. I walked in and closed the door behind me and walked around the table towards Yami. We were surrounded by weapons and armor but I wasn't worried about it. I knew he didn't have that on his mind.

"You don't wander out of the room often what's going on?" He asked me looking at me with a worried eye.

"Do we have a library or something here?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Yeah, sure we have a library. What are you looking for?" He asked me.

"I ran through the books I brought with me and I need to get to the next volume." I stated.

"You know we have classes here if you wanted to keep up with your schooling. The classes are taught by Masters like back at the other temples and the teachings a little different, but if you really wanted to I could set you up with the others." He offered as I came around the side of the table and stopped a few feet away. "I could even tutor you in the evenings after dinner if you'd like."

"No." I said quickly because I didn't want that. I already had a tutor.

"I really don't mind. I mean clearly you're used to studying." He pointed out.

"No... I just want to use the library." I stated nervously.

"I can arrange that, I can take you tomorrow before I have to run drills." He said picking up on my unsettled nature.

"Okay." I said nodding my head. "Thank you."

"Of course." He said nodding his head. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I said in a small tone.

"You never really answered my question the other night." He said looking down at the empty table instead of me.

"Which question?" I asked him unsure of what he meant.

"I know Jun was your tutor but after I left, did you and him ever have feelings for each other? It wasn't often but I heard his thoughts every now and again and he had thoughts about you." He said sounding like he was uncomfortable. "You two were close and... I don't know. I just have to ask."

"No." I said calmly not wanting him to know the truth. "He was my tutor."

"I had to ask. I never trusted him." He stated uncomfortably.

"I did trust him. I do." I said quickly clarifying.

"I just can't agree with you there." He said shaking his head as he picked up a katana from the edge of the table and walked over to a sheath on another table and put it away. "I didn't mean to side track the conversation. It's just been bothering me."

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