Chapter 35

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"Come on Ollie you've got to fight harder than that." Akira said looking at him with crossed arms as she stood nearby watching

We had done some close combat training and Goro and Ollie had partnered up and he was currently at a 3-0 loss streak. Though I wanted to laugh, I was also losing miserably, but at least Jun and I were very different sizes so I had a partial excuse. Goro was smaller and thinner than Ollie putting him at a disadvantage if only Goro hadn't been much more advanced.

Akira was just a touch smaller than Siena, but they both had been a good match for each other. Though Siena was a Master now she still took classes since she wasn't an instructor here. With what was to come we all needed to use this time to sharpen our skills no matter what level you were.

I was currently sat next to Jun on the mat watching them as they were the last one left fighting out of all the pairings. Jun and I often reached stalemates, but he was fighting extra hard today and I wasn't sure if he had just been going easy on me before or if he was really trying to challenge me.

I could see Riku and the other instructor Auriel watching closely. Auriel looked like the kind of guy who would be in some sort of harsh and snowy climate. He had the body and beard of a Viking and wore a constant look of displeasure though Riku and him seem to be having a great time. He was currently enjoying having a class with Riku and watching the best of us fight it out.

Ollie was slammed down onto the floor face first and Goro had his knee into his back. Both of them were covered in sweat and were breathing pretty heavily. I heard Ollie wheeze out air and Goro stood up blankly and looked down at him. Ollie got up to his feet and brushed himself off as he gave Goro a slight glare.

"Alright another round! This time try and pin your opponent to the ground and hold them there for at least 10 seconds. Same rules apply, no head hits, no weapons, but this time make it interesting try something new." He called out and sounds of fighting overtook the room. "And remember if they wiggle free it starts over!"

I got up and looked to Jun with focused eyes. I was well rested after our last match and should be able to take him but he was only getting stronger too. All the extra practice I was getting was extra practice for him too. I jumped first and tried to get ahold of his shirt and I yanked him towards me. I hooked my leg around his and pulled it out from underneath him.

I twisted around so I could try and pin him down. We hit the ground and I heard a groan from him, but he jerked me to the side and I was now on my hands and knees and he was tightly grabbing me. I felt his face in my neck and even feel his hair at the side of my face. I realized that he was as solid as a rock as I tried to wiggle free.

I felt one of his hands leave my wrist which he had been pinning behind my back. He scooped my other elbow from underneath me and my chest hit the floor. The wind was knocked out of me and his weight was only preventing me from catching my breath. I could feel him entirely pressed against my backside giving me no room to wiggle free.

"Damn, they get nice and personal." I heard from Ollie who was already out and I blew the hair out of my face.

"You want to count to ten or should I?" He asked in a low voice hardly louder than a whisper. Chills were sent up my spine hearing him whisper that closely to me.

I was painfully aware of a hard pressure that was on my butt. My breathing was weak and sharp as I tried to catch my breath. I was practically whimpering underneath him and I knew eyes were on us though it was so loud surely no one could hear us. He was firmly pressing me against the floor with his body weight and I knew it was going to be hard to get out of this one if I didn't think fast.

I looked back and kicked his foot and his leverage over me slipped free. I used my core strength and jerked myself over him and I was able to breathe again. I gasped for air just in time for his arm to come around me and just about crush my wind pipe. I pushed against his arm to prevent it from fully coming around my neck and stopping my breathing. I was shaking as I was pushing him away and I started to see the blue aura light up around my hands.

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