Chapter 24

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I felt warmth on my skin as I laid on a wet surface. I could feel myself being blinded by a bright light. I felt a heavy wave of exhaustion over me but I slowly covered my eyes and tried to pry them open. I rubbed my eyes and found myself looking at the flat and hard ground.

I looked around me and saw wet gravel and the sun beating down on me. I felt warm despite being on the cold wet ground. I looked up and realized I was no longer laid on that lumpy couch. I sat up and saw just where I was and was shocked to see what I did around me. While I was confused I was thrilled to see the big tall entrance to the Temple of Yabune.

I sat there frozen for what felt like an eternity. It was something I had seen hundreds of times before, but sitting here in front of me now it was like I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't come here last night. I was too tired to make the journey and yet here I was.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and it was then I saw Minoru, Chunami, and Siena coming around the corner. Their faces were filled with shock and surprise as they rushed to my side. They all dropped down beside me hardly speaking a word at first. I felt Minoru place a hand on my arm but he spoke no words.

"Makio?" Chunami said grabbing my other arm and Siena knelt in front of me. "You went missing, what happened are you hurt?"

"My leg I think." I said hardly knowing where to start. My voice sounded completely hoarse like I had gravel in my throat.

"Come let's get her to a bed she looks pale." Siena said as she looked down at me.

"I've got her." Minoru said and I was swiftly brought up into his arms.

He carried me and I saw us go through the forcefield that was now around every temple and it's surrounding land. I felt the calm sensation, a distant but ever present energy of the gods. I had lost touch with it once I broke the fountain back at Bishamon. I could feel that same power just much smaller and peaceful. How it should have always been.

Minoru carried me through the halls and I had wrapped my arms around his neck for stability. As he rushed through the halls I quickly realized I was going right to the infirmary. I noticed as we sped walked through the temple that Siena was now in all green like Chunami and Minoru. She had been Jun's primary partner in classes before we left for Ebisu.

It took me a moment but it seemed as though Uba had in fact taken over as Meishu and Siena now filled her place. I thought to myself that Siena was a good fit, she had that kind but talkative tendency that spiritual Masters had. Miya and Uba were both warm people with a slight quirk to them.

I saw us come into the infirmary and Nurse Gia looked at me and she wore an expression of woe. She stood frozen before she came rushing over once she realized what was going on. Minoru set me down on a cot and I was just silent. I knew I looked a mess and frankly I was a mess. From my mind which was surely scrambled and most of last night was a blur if not blank, and with my leg which was surely infected by now I was probably her worst nightmare.

Gia cut off my pant leg and my once pants were now half shorts. I watched as two pairs of hands grabbed my leg which was scabbed over with blood and soot. Siena and Gia went at my leg and I hardly felt a thing. My leg tingled a little but it felt more like vibrations. After feeling such power at Bishamon this felt like almost nothing.

"Won't help." I muttered out.

"What?" They both asked.

"It won't be enough." I said realizing my body was now used to large quantities of power and energy. "The fountain."

"The fountain?" Minoru asked.

"I don't know listen to the girl." Gia said shaking her head probably realizing I was right. "Take her, I'll follow."

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