Chapter 9

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I felt a cool damp cloth on the back of my neck as I started to come back to. I woke up in a sudden jolt and I was already sat up in a chair. My hands went to my body which were just in clothes that were soaking wet. They were now as dry as bone aside from my sweat. My eyes went to the surrounding area and I was sitting in a chair in the spiritual chambers.

I looked and saw Jun looking at me with a wild gaze as well as the Meishu and three Masters looking to me with expectant eyes. I was breathing pretty heavily but I could see they were looking at me waiting for me to say something. Midori was stood back a bit was looking at me intensely.

"Are you alright?" Riku asked stepping forward.

"Yeah... that was... weird. I just fainted." I said watching my words because I had just experienced more than I understood but was told to not tell anyone.

"Do you think someone injected you with Wisteria again? I had my eyes on you the whole time, but you fainted just like you had before." Jun said cutting in.

"No-no that was different. I'm fine." I said knowing I didn't sound confident.

"What caused this? Your eyes turned white for a while in front of everyone. The other Masters from Yabune said that happened when you spouted out a prophecy before." Miyu said looking at me with confused eyes.

"I don't know, did I say anything?" I said trying to play it oblivious.

"No, you just dropped in the middle of the dining hall." Riku said sitting down a few seats away. "You we're out like a light."

"I don't know, I feel okay now." I said which wasn't really true, but I felt fine enough.

"This couldn't just be random I mean it's been two months at least without Wisteria in your system. Are you sure-"

"There's no Wisteria in my system. I haven't eaten all day nor was I pricked by anything. If I had Wisteria in me I would know, I know what that feels like. This was different." I said shaking my head hardly knowing what to say. "I feel fine now, I think I was just a little famished. I didn't eat at lunch today, my mind was preoccupied."

"Surely if you haven't eaten you wouldn't be feeling well but that doesn't explain the eyes. When you passed out from the Wisteria before your eyes were fine, this was something else." Jun said insistingly.

"Jun, I don't know." I said eyeing him because he needed to stop pushing me so much. I didn't know if I even wanted to talk about this, sure I wasn't supposed to but it was my choice if I did or not. That being said I needed to think about what just happened before I even consider speaking up.

"I think it's best if you lie down. Miyu why don't you take her back to her room and evaluate her. Jun let's grab her something to eat and some equipment for blood work. I know you say there's no way Wisteria could be in your system but we should check." Midori said and he looked down at me and I could see his worried expression.

"Yes, of course." He said softly.

"Riku and Toshiro go ahead and see to dinner and the others. Assure they know nothing is wrong. Let's not upset the masses over what could be nothing." He said and everyone slowly nodded their heads and followed orders.

Miyu held out a hand to me and I took it but was more than able to stand up on my own. I followed her and let go of her as she lead me out into the halls. I looked back as Jun walked the opposite way and he looked back over his shoulder towards me.

I turned back to Miyu who walked quite slow, but she probably didn't want to rush me. It was awkward being with her alone because I never had been before, but she was such an odd character. Uba was warm and kind like a grandmother, Miyu was a bit younger and seemed quite whimsical and quirky.

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