Chapter 22

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Yami had come in and I was already laid in bed. My heart rate was racing as he came in and I was pretending to already be fast asleep. He came in quietly and crawled up in bed and laid down without disturbing me. I held the ring tightly in my hand knowing it was much too big for my hands.

I laid in bed for what felt like forever because I wanted to make sure he was asleep. I knew the rain outside was lulling us both to sleep, but I had fought it off. The idea of what was to come was hovering over me. I knew that Rin's plans would long outlive him. I knew what was to come next and though nothing was definitive I had spent weeks listening to my father, brother, and Yami talk about next steps.

I knew that the initial reason they all left 3 days ago and left the Temple unattended to was no accident. This land they were fighting over were plans for a base of operations. They'd attack the Jizo Temple first, not the Temple of Yabune as Rin had told me. The Jizo Temple was easy to cut off from support because there was no surrounding temples and the only way to get there was to pass not only the Temple of Bishamon but also this base camp.

They had been moving their forces there over the last two weeks and this was one of the last moves before their forces would be evenly split. They wanted to wait until winter to attack because there was rumors of a nasty snow storm that would last months. With bad weather it would be easy to cut them off from supplies.

Their intention was to either weaken them into submission or to weaken them to the point where they could easily be overtaken. The Jizo temple was much like Yabune in that it was at the top of a mountain. They were mostly self sufficient but needed to make trips down the mountain several times a year primarily just before a big storm.

From this new base they were going to start to dwindle down the resources in their area that they have available and cut them off before the storm came. Thus leaving them with an inevitable victory. It was a horrible way of doing things but if they could do this, they would have taken a hold of both northern regions. Not to mention Yabune was a weak spot, they'd surely be next and would need a lot less to take them down. Yabune had truly lived in its own world for quite sometime.

I slowly lifted my head up and saw Yami fast asleep next to me. I looked down at my ring and knew it was filled with Wisteria. I knew Jun had kept a hold of this ring in his side drawer because he wanted to understand the mechanism and how much it would administer. I felt bad emptying it here now because his research was going to be gone but it was a necessity.

It once worked on me so if Yami was also a pure blood then it should work on him. I pushed my sheets back seeing his bag on the table. I slowly dipped down onto the floor trying to keep the squeaky wood as quiet as possible. I tip toed over to his bag looking behind me to make sure he was unbothered.

He was still as he laid on his back with his head tilted the other way towards the window. I opened up his bag and pulled out his knife and tucked it behind me in my waist band. I could see other items in the bag but nothing of use to me. I turned back towards Yami and walked around to his side of the bed. By the light level outside and the time I had tracked laying in bed, the sun should be up within 2 hours.

I didn't know how much time I would need but even with the glow stone I had taken from Jun it wasn't safe to travel in the dark. I took a quiet but deep breath and crawled up into bed and threw each leg over one side of Yami. He began to stir and I bent over and pressed my lips to his.

I felt him shift under me and his lips reacted to me own. I brought my hand up to his neck and pressed the hand with the ring tightly around the back of his neck while he was still half asleep. I felt his hand come up my side as I felt the needle go off but he kept my lips against his to keep him distracted. His right hand was at my waist and his left was on the side of my leg.

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