Chapter 15

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I woke to almost white noise as my body was laid down on a soft surface. I could hear rainy weather as I came to and started to wake up a little bit from my groggy state. I went to go push my hair out of my face but I felt cool metal at my wrists constraining them. I opened my eyes and I couldn't see much except a poorly lit room.

I looked around as my eyes got used to the light and I saw a bedroom in front of me. It had a warm color wood throughout and an animal skin rug in the center. I was on a bed with green sheets the same color of grass. My door was fully shut and it didn't appear to be locked from the inside. The latch that would have locked it was hanging open.

I took what energy I had and swung my legs around so that I was up in a seated position. I looked behind me and I could see a large window that showed me a beautiful view of a massive rainforest. Though it was clearly day the tree coverage and rain only allowed minimal lighting to seep through. I could see I was deep inside of the forest and likely far away from turning back.

The rain sounds we're almost drowning me out back to sleep but my guard was up. I slid down and my feet hit the warm ground with a thud. I walked over thankfully not bound by my feet to the window to get a better view.

I saw it was raining outside but even with the overcast the nature around this place was bright green and lively. I couldn't see very far but the immediate area was filled with growth. I looked at the cuffs behind my back and I was challenged with removing them. I had been able to manipulate objects before but bending metal wasn't exactly something I was confident in.

I took a deep breath and focused as hard as I could. I could hear the sounds of the metal and the vibrations of it behind me. I was struggling, but eventually I heard a louder metal sound and it opened my eyes. I brought my hands around front of me and the cuffs hit the floor. I looked at my wrists and saw they were red from rubbing.
I saw white lines on both my arms now and the scars were there like they had been with Jun. Now with Yami's scar looking exactly the same.

I flipped my wrists over and saw the same lightening bolt patterns except the skin still looked raw and fresh. I wasn't in pain the skin maybe just felt a bit more sensitive. I pulled my sleeve back down before I bent down to pick up the handcuffs and just as I stood up I snapped to see the door opening.

I turned to see Yami coming into my room wearing all brown clothing. He looked quite calm and relaxed as he walked in. His clothes were not any type of robes like I was used to see him wearing. He wore a pair of dark green slacks and a brown linen shirt. It hung loosely on him and his bare best was visible through the steep neckline.

There were smalls cuts and healed gashes all over his chest. I had no idea how he had acquired them but I could see one cut was on his eyebrows extending all the way to his cheek and I remembered being the one to give him that. I could see he was clearly shocked to find me where I was. His eyes went to the pair of cuffs in my hand and then back to me.

"I came to take those off but I see you beat me to it." He said closing the door behind him and walking in towards me.

He walked over and I watched his every move as he came closer. As he stood in front of me he grabbed the cuffs and held them up to look at them. He saw the metal that was now bent and malformed.

"Jesus, you could have called for me." He said setting down the broken cuffs on the table next to us.

"I don't exactly know where I am." I said flatly. "For all I know this could be a fancy jail cell."

"You're in the Temple of Bishamon. The city of Kazuno is just on the outskirts of this forest, about a 30 minute walk that way." He said pointing out the window at a slight angle. "You're not in a jail cell, far from it frankly. That door locks from the inside only so if it's locked it's because you locked it."

Mountain of The Suns • Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora