Chapter 17

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I stormed out from Yami's grasp once I recognized where I was. Having only just woken up a few hours ago I didn't know the lay out of this place at all. I only recognized the set of hallways we initially left from when Yami had walked me into the Meishu's chambers.

I heard his feet following behind me closely as I stomped off to my room. His footsteps sounded much louder and faster than mine that only meant he was getting closer. I shoved my door open and tried to shove the door closed before he could push his way inside. I knew Rin told him to administer some sedative so I knew what was coming.

The door was nearly shut before I felt Yami stop it. I stumbled back as he pushed his way into the room. He slammed the door shut angrily and I was on edge as he snapped towards me. I felt his hands grab at me and pull me towards him and I wound my hand up and hit him right across the face and something in me released. I felt a power overcome my ability to think for a second and I saw Yami fly backwards much harder than a slap should have sent him.

"Don't fucking touch me! You're not going to drug me anymore!" I screamed at the top of my lungs for whoever to hear.

I stomped towards him who was rushing to his feet and he held his hands up in defense. I almost went at him again but I stopped myself. I could see my hands were glowing a bright blue color and I was taken back. That was something I had always struggled with and so did pretty much everyone else.

Part of working with our powers was gathering up enough energy from within us to manifest our powers in a physical sense. Most everyone could move things and manipulate smaller objects, but I had only ever seen the Masters and Meishu use their powers and produce an energy aura that you could actually see. Even Jun had only seen his powers manifest once years ago and it hadn't happened since. Chunami even mentioned she's never been able to. Having an aura meant that one's powers was beyond the natural ability of most Ethereals.

"Woah." Yami said and he even looked shocked as we both stood there looking at my hands.

I had no idea how to control this power and I watched waiting for it to do something. I had no if I was even able to control it. I watched as it slowly dissipated and the silence in the room was tense. I slowly looked to Yami who was nearly pale.

"Are you going to hit me again?" He asked looking at me with scared eyes.

"Depends on what you're going to do." I stated which was truthful enough.

"I'm not going to drug you. I quite literally can't fight you." He said still standing with his back against the wall. "When did you learn how to do that?"

"I didn't." I said honestly. I saw the shock and almost confusion on his face.

"You shouldn't be able to do that- I mean I thought only the Masters and Meishu could without using Dark Magic." He said shaking his head as he looked down at my hands. "Even I can't."

"Guess not." I said taking a step back and I saw him slightly relax. "You can't tell anyone about that."

"I promised to protect you not lie." He said tilting his head as he looked towards me.

"That's a load of shit, you're supposed to be on my side." I argued back.

"No you specifically asked me to not let anyone hurt you. I didn't agree to lie for you." He specified.

"I'll hurt myself if you tell anyone else." I said abruptly and I saw he was going to argue back but he stopped himself, he knew I had a hold on him.

"That's not fair." He called out.

"You didn't agree to fair." I said coldly. "Utter a word to anyone and I'll use this."

I held up my hand and showed him the familiar ring. I saw the confusion spread across his face and he didn't say anything at first but his eyes just looked to the ring. I saw the realization of what it was set in, but I could see he was still confused.

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