All Consuming Winter

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But would Eddy want the sexy, alluring, probably perfect looking deer close or some dwarf sized, dumb geep-hybrid with a sad backstory and mental issues on top of the panic attacks? Brett was sure he was more or less only close because he was there. He was available. He closed his eyes and sighed. Well, at least he had that. It was better than nothing.

"How long is winter here?"

It was better to change the topic otherwise he would spiral down again and he didn't want that to happen. Not again at least.

"About three months," Eddy watched Brett, not entirely sure if he said something wrong or not. The cervitaur didn't dare ask though, he would play along with the subject change for now. Unless it became apparent that he in fact did something wrong.

"So like outside as well. I thought for some reason it was shorter. But you said it was warmer right? Does the water freeze here too?"

Brett wanted to stay on a safe topic. A topic that didn't let him fall in despair and agony. The weather was an easy topic so he would entertain that a bit longer. And on top of that he could get more information about the realm.

"Yes it is warmer and not the water doesn't freeze over since a lot of the water is moving, and plus magic," Eddy went back to cleaning Brett's thighs, gently squeezing them occasionally.

"Interesting. Would it freeze when it doesn't move?"

No ice meant it was really warm. He might even live if he had no den. He wouldn't try it of course, at least not now, but that was a good thing to know for later.

"In our region, no. So unless you decide to move into a different one then you won't have to worry about it, " Eddy scooped water into his palms to drizzle it over the fur that he had made all suddy. It was time to wash it all out.

"I see." The faun nodded at that. He threaded his hands into Eddy's head to start petting him there. He knew Eddy liked the small touches and since it was a perfect opportunity he wouldn't miss that.

Eddy tilted his head up slightly to feel the pets better. Brett was right, he did indeed love pets. The deer couldn't help but hum, he couldn't purr or baa, but he could hum. That's how he showed his appreciation for all the physical attention.

Brett grinned at the soft sound and continued to pet him. While he was worked on, he could work on Eddy. Skinship, closeness and affectionate but innocent touches would bring him further down the road of a possible relationship than gripping Eddy's balls - again.

So he scraped lightly over the scalp to stimulate it.

Eddy's tail wagged in the water, making it splash from the movement. Oh, he was loving this. For a moment his hands paused in their ministrations because he was getting distracted from Brett's wonderfully skilled hands. This was absolute heaven to him.

Brett chuckled and simply scratched, massaged and petted Eddy. He didn't stop. Why should he? The deer was happy and that made him happy as well.

"You are so cute, I would love to gobble you up."

"You are part goat, I hear they can eat a lot if they want to so you could probably gobble me up," Eddy took it like Brett meant it literally. He didn't understand why being cute made Brett want to eat him, but the geep had eaten meat before and liked it. So it was a possibility that he just had meat cravings. Eddy shivered at that thought, he hoped that he wouldn't get eaten.

"Ah, no, I didn't mean in like really eating you. I say that when I find something cute and want to have it for myself. So basically I 'eat' you and then you are mine forever."

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