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  "Is that even a question? I'm almost always hungry," Eddy said jokingly with a laugh. It was pretty much true. When he was sad though it seemed like all hunger had left him, which was actually really worrisome. Although it helped to be a strong indicator when he was having shifts in his mood. In that aspect it was helpful, because then Brett knew when he needed to help his furry friend.

"Hmm, then I think it's time for a little snack, what do you think? You just need to let me go and grab it. Will you be able to do such a thing?" Taking the chance, Brett started to massage the fluffy topped head, knowing that Eddy loved it. Especially since Brett avoided the nubs of the destroyed antlers so as to not hurt Eddy.

"I guess I can sacrifice cuddles for snacks," Eddy sighed over dramatically because Eddy was a tad bit dramatic. Maybe it had rubbed off from Brett to Eddy. They could be dramatic lovers, even though for Eddy he did it for a bit more of a playful affect. He found it amusing. Carefully Eddy lifted his head from Brett's lap to free the faun!
Drama was love, drama was life and so, Brett sighed as he got up, "Now I have to move my humble, old and frail body towards the nutritious food I made with my own hands.I shall be back."

He skipped to the pot and looked at the inside, yes, the soup was perfect! The faun filled the bowl right beside it and grabbed a spoon before returning, "Shall I feed you my beloved?"

Eddy smiled, thinking Brett looked adorable when he skipped. He seemed so bouncy and happy, he loved it, "I would enjoy being fed. Should I feed you too because you may enjoy it too?"

He asked with a little grin. He sat up more straight so he could eat properly and not choke.

"I think I will feed you while lamenting the fact that I am nothing but a servant faun to please his master. And then yes, you may feed me too," was Brett too dramatic? No, there was no such thing as 'too much drama' in his eyes. Eddy understood what he was playfully saying and that was the most important thing. He sat down and slid the spoon into the soup, lifting it up to blow over it so Eddy wouldn't burn his precious mouth while being fed. Then he held it up to the red kissed and swollen lips of his lover, grinning while doing so.

"Hmmm then you should also worship me while you feed me so you don't lament so much. No time for that in the presence of me, the almighty Eddy!" Eddy joked back, deciding that was the only way to go. He wanted to continue having fun and not taking each other too seriously.

"Worship you? My dearest, if I worship you even more, you will have a raw butt. And this is not what we both want. My worship is physical, not empty words, my love," the geep chuckled and fed Eddy more of the soup, occasionally taking a bite as well. He was hungry and this quenched his desperate hunger a bit, "Or shall I feed you while I worship your body? Your delicious, wonderful, soft and delectable body?"

"I fear if you do that then you will start eating the wrong thing," Eddy chuckled softly as he looked at Brett. He opened his mouth obediently for the nom noms. He wanted to eat all of the soup and maybe tease Brett a bit. No harm ever happened from teasing the faun.

"Nothing is wrongly eaten if it's you. Well, only I can eat you though. Nobody else," Brett grinned. He was possessive of the deer and Eddy was possessive of him. Not on an unhealthy level, not like that Brett would lock Eddy away from all contact or such, but a bit of possessiveness was rushing through his veins. Eddy should never be caught kissing or mating another man - not that Brett thought Eddy would do that. The deer was not able to lie so having an affair would be out of question, also Eddy was loyal and wanted to please way too much as that would ever happen. And it was not Eddy's fault when he was hit on, right? He was just too cute!

"And if I choose to eat 'you' I will do so. As you did to me."

"If you choose so my love but for now let us enjoy this soup that you slaved over. It always tastes so good," Eddy really did like the soup, probably why he ate it daily and for almost every meal. Was that a tad bit concerning, maybe. It looked like Brett may have some competition since not even he was eaten everyday. Only the beloved soup. But the faun, as Eddy called it, 'slaved' over the soup every day as well, so it was a form of his love for Eddy. He would not get jealous over the much beloved soup! Most of the time.

Garden Of HeartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora