The Sound of Your voice

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Belle watched them wondering if they should step out or not. She wanted to give the boys as much time as they needed but also didn't want to spy on them. It wasn't appropriate to look at private moments that weren't meant for them.

Livvy nudged Belle softly and nodded. It was probably a good time to barge into their conversation now that they stopped talking. The women didn't hear what was spoken but Belle could probably guess it anyway. Livvy had no clue but it seemed that the men were just hugging now.

She came close to Belle, whispering "Shall we go to them now?"

"It seems like it's still a private moment even if they are just hugging." Something about silent consensual touch or contact was intimate. Something that Belle didn't plan on ruining especially when it was most likely for comfort reasons. Both boys needed that for all she knew, "Once they break apart we can go approach them."

Silence sometimes could communicate things better than words.

Livvy was grateful that Belle had more experience with the situation because she would have barged into the scene, probably causing problems. For her, it was a normal hug but that it could be something more, didn't cross her mind; so she nodded.

The pair broke apart and Livvy looked at Belle, waiting for her to make the first step and then follow. It was the better tactic to follow Belle instead of deciding it was good now. Belle nodded slightly at her to say now was a good time to step forward. She walked out from where they were, walking towards the pair. She would make it casual at first, like asking if Brett needed more medicine before they talked about the more serious things.
Eddy looked over at his sister when she seemed to appear from nowhere! How she could just creep around then reappear, Eddy would never know.

Brett looked up when Eddy jostled him in surprise. He smiled at Belle and Livvy, beckoning them closer. They were not interrupting anything right now.

"Hello Belle, hello Livvy."

"Hello," Belle smiled softly at him, "Would you like any more medicine Brett? I can make you some."

She wanted to offer first to make sure that he was feeling okay before they did any deeper talking. Timing was everything and when people weren't feeling well, it wasn't a good idea to talk too much to them.

But Brett shook his head, "No I'm feeling fine, thank you." Staying with Eddy helped, also the naps worked wonders. He still had a slight headache but he could deal with it easily. He was more interested in social interaction now - positive social interaction.

His hands trembled when he thought about how the bucks closed in on him, their taunts and threats and would rather bury it under a nice sturdy blanket of nice contact.

Eddy curled more around Brett as he watched them all, "Why don't you both sit down?"

He offered softly so they could sit and talk if they wanted. He partially wondered where Ray was but decided that sometimes it was better not to ask.

Brett snuggled immediately closer, again wanting this sweet, sweet comfort he needed. He didn't fear Livvy but he was not one hundred percent fine with her being here. Yes, he understood logically she was the one who saved his life, holding him together until Belle arrived, but she was also a deer. It would take a bit of time to overcome this and with Livvy's bright and gentle demeanor it wouldn't take long. But for now Brett was a bit off. Not a lot, only a slight margin, but he still was a bit off. He smiled more and was hunched over, making him seem friendly and harmless. A typical survival tactic of his.

"Yeah, please sit down. It must be strenuous to always be standing."

Belle sat on the grass to watch the pair, stretching a bit before relaxing, "Are you two comfortable here for the time being, or would you like a more enclosed place to rest?"

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