Knowledge is the Key that unlocks all Doors

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Meanwhile, Eddy entered the plant section of the library, it was much different than the magic section. The center flooring was elevated in a circle, and was grassy. The part of the floor sunken in, was filled with shallow water that was beautifully blue. Seeing as water and books don't go together though, the shelves were also elevated on blocks of stone and there were tiny arched bridges that lead to them. This room was also more brightly lit.

Eddy grabbed a book about wheat then laid down in the grass to enjoy an afternoon reading. The grass was soft on his belly, gently bending to his will. This truly was his favorite spot when it came to the library.

Brett came a few hours later and looked for his dear deer. He saw his most favorite person in the world and decided to go to him. In the meantime he was in awe of the buildings interior the dwarves created. Every room had its own unique feeling and was quite different from the other one. But also strangely connected.

He sat down by Eddy's side and rubbed his cheek against Eddy's as a greeting.

"Hello handsome."

Eddy lowered his book giggling at that, "Hello Bretty. Did you enjoy your reading search?"

Eddy wasn't reading anything particularly interesting, only about how to grow wheat and corn along with seasonal patterns or the best soil for them. He enjoyed it though like the strange creature he was.

"Yes. I learned a ton. Also when I suddenly hear voices I know I'm not going crazy but that it is normal. What are you reading?" Brett looked over and saw a strange assortment of souls. He had no clue about that but if Eddy thought it was important then it was.

"The growth patterns of wheat and corn," Eddy said nonchalantly, "So we can start growing it."

He told Brett the reason why so he didn't seem like a complete bore. It wasn't really boring at all! Eddy was passionate about plants!

And since it was something Brett asked Eddy to do, he didn't think it was boring as well. It was for their survival after all! Food was always good.

"Wow, that's amazing. How far are you? I already read two books. Maybe I can go and get one on aloe Vera but I don't have to." Brett gauged if it was worth getting up and getting a new book while Eddy read through his. The faun was a very fast reader but he wasn't as fast as lightning.

"I finished about two too, now this is my third," Eddy lowered his book with a small smile. He took a deep breath, enjoying the soothing feel it had.

Brett nodded, rubbed his cheek against Eddy's again and got up. Time for some plant growing books now!

"I will get another one then. Do you mind when I read right beside you?"

If so, then Brett would definitely still be close but not as close as before. Maybe where he could see Eddy.

"I do not mind, it will be nice to have your presence. It's comforting to me." Eddy said softly with a small smile. He thought it would be pleasant to snuggle and simply read. If they spent all day like this he would be happy. But they needed to get soup to Bella and Ray too. If Eddy asked about the soup, Brett would say he already made other plans. He could bring that to Belle and Ray when Eddy was at the herd as well. That way he had an excuse to go to them and to spend time with the pair. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with his love. Brett smiled down at Eddy and rubbed the tips of their nose together before taking off and getting another book. Maybe he could start learning and doing it right away!

He flopped down right next to the deer when he came back and made himself comfortable. Eddy tried to curl close to Brett and somewhat around him. This was comfortable for him, it meant he could be close to his faun, "What are you reading about?"

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