A Tale of You

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"I do not mind," Eddy would have to think of a story. Was his childhood or a fairy tale better suited for this? He did not know but he would go with one or another, "When Belle and I were younger we played a game called powdered pixies. I didn't have anything to do with pixies or powder though, so the name didn't make any sense now that I think about it. Basically we played in this field with all these flowers, really pretty flowers too. We would run around it, chasing each other or hiding in the flowers, to build houses for bugs with flowers. It was just random and mostly dealt with the flowers. I guess we thought flowers looked like pixies and the pollen was like powder. That's the only connection I can make."

Eddy giggled softly, it was more of him talking than an actual story. But Brett didn't mind. He just wanted to purge the thoughts that came uninvited and having Eddy talk and listen to his voice was wonderful. He kissed Eddy's neck to appreciate the story.

"That sounds cute. I can almost imagine you two running around. May I have another story please?"

"I already planned on continuing talking," Eddy chuckled as he admitted that, "It was cute. Once I tried to climb a tree but then I got stuck in the branches. No one could get me down for hours so I just hung there and cried for a bit. Eventually another creature who had better climbing abilities was able to get me. It was very embarrassing."

"That sounds terrifying to be honest. But thankfully someone came and could help you. I bet you haven't tried to climb since then?" That sounded really awful. Poor Eddy! Brett couldn't imagine how scared Eddy was when he noticed he couldn't get down anymore.

He rubbed his cheek against Eddy's and sighed. At least there was a nice creature who helped him. Maybe it was Ray? Could be. Brett wanted to know since he didn't know how the two of them met.

"Was it Ray by the way? The one who helped you down?"

"I haven't tried again, no, but now I think my deer body is too big for me to climb. Even if I wanted to try, I doubt that I could," Eddy chuckled softly, shaking his head, "No, it wasn't Ray, since he would be young too. He's only four years older than me after all. However, it was one of his kind that got me down. It was also kinda scary because I wasn't used to predators yet so I thought I surely was going to die!"
"Yeah I can imagine. Poor Eddy. Crying and scared out of your mind and then a big ass predator comes and helps you. He could also grab you and climb higher before killing you. I'm glad that the predator didn't though." Brett snuggled closer and smiled, "But thankfully it was a nice predator."

He was indeed very grateful. If Eddy were dead, who would have helped him and could be the person his affection went into?! So yes, this outcome was way better.

"I learned not to judge people by how they need to survive that day. Since predators get a pretty bad rep amongst us. Although the prejudice started to go away when the lion pride decided to protect us." Not to mention Eddy, even as a kid and while deathly afraid had thought the lion who saved him was kinda cute. The first sign of knowing he was in fact a very strange child. Not like the other cervitaur. However, with the prejudice of predators being almost gone completely,he hoped that maybe they would also lose their prejudice for other beings.

One could only hope. But for now it was not like that and Eddy had to suffer for that.

"Well, change is inevitable. One can only hope it's a change for the better. And I think you learned something immensely interesting and helpful that day. Otherwise you wouldn't have Ray as a friend. I mean, if the predator didn't help you you wouldn't lose your fear and be open about having one as a friend. But here you are. Life is amazing in that regard.''

Brett chuckled, life was indeed interesting. Hard and unforgiving but also wonderful and kind. An adventure in itself.

"It was indeed a learning experience. As the saying goes, do not judge a book by its cover, you never know what could be inside. A lot of predators, I find, are kind hearted, not sadistic cruel beasts that you hear about in fairytales. They're just trying to live. Sure there are those that are not kind but that is a minority. Plus there are a lot of unkind people, being cruel knows no gender, age or race. It just abides where people let it dwell," Eddy kissed the top of Brett's head. He liked talking, it was fun when people wanted to listen and to carry on a conversation.

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